{13} Confessing

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Jack's POV
It was 4am. I don't know why I was awake, but I decided to get up.

Mark left late last night, to go hang out with Bob and Wade. Before he left, we had made cookies for (Y/n), and I was excited for her to try them.

I walked past her room. I could hear her whimpering, like she was crying. I opened her door and closed it behind me. All I could do was stand there in shock. Her sweatshirt sleeves were pulled up, revealing several dozens of cuts on each arm. Some of them looked new. She was facing away from me, but I knew she was awake.

I ran over and scooped her into my arms. "(Y/n)!" I cried; holding her head to my chest. Tears fell from both our eyes. "Why? Why would ye do that to yourself?!"

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry," she whispered. After a few minutes of silence, (Y/n) spoke again,"My parents hated me; they blamed me for everything. When my sister wasn't around, they would emotionally abuse me. School was too much; my grades were always bad, and my teachers all hated me. I started getting beat up by kids at school; no one did anything about it.

"My sister didn't really die of a car crash; she died from being pushed off a bridge. Without her around to protect me, My parents beat me; and I let them. They blamed me every day for her death-"

"But it wasn't your fault," I tried to comfort her. We now sat on the floor, her in my arms; refusing to look me in the eye.

"But it was!" she yell pushing me away slightly. "If I had never said she was my sister, she would still be alive!"

I hugged (Y/n) tighter. She hugged me back. I kissed her forehead, she blushed. I carried her to her bed, and sat her up. "Don't ye do anything, I'll be right back." I walked out the door, and came back with her crutches. "Here, Mark and I have a surprise for ye."

"What is it?" she tried to sound excited; but was still wiping away tears. I helped her into her crutches, and she hobbled into the kitchen. "You made me cookies!" she happily yelled. She took one and shoved it into her mouth. "Thanks Jack; this is the best thing anyone's ever done for me," she mumbled, still chewing.

"Well, I figured ye might like cookies. But even if ye didn't, I still would have eaten them." she punched my arm lightly, as I plopped a cookie in my mouth.

"Hey," (Y/n) said; "maybe I could make breakfast." She smiled weakly.

"Only if ye let me help, I don't want ye to hurt yourself," I say. She nodded. "So what are we making?" I ask.

"Pancakes!" she grinned. We got out all the ingredients and mixed them together in a large bowl. I put a big pan on the stove, and she turned on the heat. We made a lot of pancakes; enough for Bob and Wade too. I hope Mark invites them over.

I get out some plates, so me and (Y/n) can start eating. She takes one, and limps over to the giant stack of pancakes. She is about halfway there, when she drops her plate. It shatters, the pieces spread across the floor.

She falls to the ground. Her lower legs fall in the ceramic shards. I reach towards her, trying to help her up. She winces; like she is expecting me to hit her. "I'M SORRY AIDEN, PLEASE DON'T HURT ME!" she screamed.

"Who's Aiden?" I say concerned. I sit down in front of her, and hold her hands. She looks at me, and snaps out of her trance-like state.

"Jack? Oh thank god," she reaches towards me and squeezes me into a hug.

"Who's Aiden?" I repeat. She looks at me, fear washing over her face. "Did he hurt you?"

She nodded slowly. "Three months ago I escaped him, and took a train here. I'm afraid he's going to find me again, Jack." I carry her over to the couch.

"Mark and I won't let him get near you," I say reassuringly. "Please try to rest, I'll clean up the mess." She obediently lays down on the couch. I cover her in a blanket and she falls asleep. Her socks are all torn up from the broken plate, but I'll tell her after she wakes back up.

Mark's POV
I come home, Bob and Wade at my heals. Jack had texted me earlier, promising pancakes for all of us. When we walked inside, (Y/n) and Jack we passed out; (Y/n) on the sofa, and Jack on the recliner. They looked so peaceful.

"Who's that?" Wade asked, pointing towards (Y/n).

"She's a new friend of ours, that is staying here for a while. Don't bother her," I say protectively. Bob winks at Wade, I roll my eyes.

We all look over at the dining room table, to see the largest pancake tower in history. Each of us grab a plate and dig in. They were delicious.

So yeah, that was her past. If you have any suggestions of what I should write next, please tell me; I'm starting to run out of ideas.

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