{40} Footage

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Mark's POV
Searching for my cousin amongst the large staff is proving to be more difficult than I thought. I hadn't told Jack what I was doing; so as of now, he is trailing blindly behind me like a lost puppy.

Asking the employees of the restaurant to let me into the kitchen took some pleading, but now I am closer to finding the person I'm looking for.

"Mark?" a familiar high-pitched voice speaks out from behind me.

"Arin!" I whirl around and wrap my little cousin in a short, tight embrace.

"What are you doing here? How did you get into the kitchen? Is that your boyfriend? Why do you look so scared?" she fires questions at me as if she has hold of a flamethrower.

I take both her shoulders in my hands and speak quietly. "Arin, I--we need your help. Can you get us into the security camera footage somehow?" I pant.

Months earlier, my aunt, Arin's mother; had told me Arin worked here. Lucky for me, she was going off her shift right now.

"Sure I could try Mark, but why is this so important to you?"

"There's no time for questions now, we need to hurry."

"Alright, but you'll need to come with me and talk to my manager."

"Okay," I breathe a sigh of relief. Jack seems to understand what I'm trying to do now. He leans over and gives me a peck on the cheek. I force a small grin.

After telling Arin's employer why we need to look at the footage, he called the police. He told us he'd rather have the authorities look over the security records themselves. But seeing how Jack and I were ready to break down at any moment, he took pity on us.

By the time the police did show up, Jack and I had seen the direction the van sped off in, and we informed the chief of where we were headed. He argued with us to let them handle this, but caved in after a few minutes. A little over half the police men and women that showed up are now following us to the place we think (Y/n) is being held.

"God, I hope she's not in too much danger," I mumble nervously, trying to keep our vehicle on the road. The blaring sirens of the squad cars behind us, wasn't helping me stay focused.

Checking over the two small guns we were given by the officers for the third time, Jack whispers, looking up at me. "She can handle herself; and even if she's hurt, I'm sure she knows we're on our way."

"I hope you're right," I say, right before I slam on the breaks.

Hi, so on the last chapter I asked what you people thought about me writing a random smut book. Not too many people responded, so I'm asking again too tell me what you think in the comments. Thanks; bye for now! <3

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