{33} An Angel in Blue and a Vision in Black

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Jack's POV
As soon as Mark and I scramble up the stairs, and reach our room; Mark shuts the door. I give him a long, meaningful kiss and jump on my laptop. Mark seems surprised, but comes to join me on the bed. By the time he sits down, I have already logged onto my laptop, typed a search, and was on a website.

"Hey, what do ye think about this place?" I take a glance at Mark's reaction. He shakes his head, and I continue my search.

After a few more suggestions, we finally find the right place. The restaurant has a bar, 5 course meals, and a candlelit outside eating area. Mark quickly calls to make reservations.

After he hangs up, I go to tell (Y/n) she would have to wear something fancy. She questions me further on where we are going, but I don't tell her a thing. She goes to her room to get ready.

I skip upstairs, where Mark is trying to put on his tie. I walk over and tie it for him. He looks so cute all dressed up, and flustered. He ruffles my hair and reminds me to get dressed. After he leaves the room; I go to my closet, take a blue suit off its hanger, bring it into the bedroom, and put it on.

Mark's POV
I walk down the short hallway on our upstairs floor, and enter my recording room. After double checking my cameras and computer to make sure everything was off, I close the door and go back to my room.

Immediately I blush at the sight before me. Jack is just finishing putting on his suit jacket; and might I say, he looks fiiine.

He sees me staring and begins to blush as well. My sexy Irish bastard.

We walk down the staircase, hand-and-hand, just in time to see (Y/n) leaving her room. She is absolutely stunning. In an exquisite black dress that complements her figure perfectly, and her (h/c) hair in a fashionable up-do; she is a marvelous sight.

"What are you both staring at?" she says, snapping me out of my trance.


As our eyes meet, a look of awe washes over her face. She looks like I had just asked her to marry me. "Let's j-just get a move on," she stutters, breaking from my gaze.

"Yeah, let's go," Jack smiles. We escort her to the car and drive off to our destination.

Surprise! I actually had the time to update again so, here you go! I hope you're happy with the chapter, but this time, I actually wont upload again until next weekend. Also, can we acknowledge how fancy that got? Wtf. The next part I post should be interesting though, and I hope you like it. Bye for now! <3

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