{38} Bruises

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Jack's POV
Mark gasps. My breathing becomes heavier. I look back at my hands, the weapon still there. It seems so strange to me that it would be placed by a lost possession of someone so sweet and gentle.

My eyes now overflowing with tears, I fall, clutching (Y/n)'s shoe tightly to my chest. I hear Mark run over to me, but I don't bother looking up at him. He picks me up and carries me to our car. Placing me in the passenger's seat, he looks into my eyes.

"Don't worry muffin, we are going to find her," his voice cracks, showing me he is worried too. I lean forward and kiss his forehead.

He tries to smile, but instead he starts sobbing quietly as I am. I pull him to me, and we just sit there, hugging tightly.

Why did it have to be today? Why right after we finally got her back?
The unspoken words hung in the air around us.

Mark pulls away. "We should follow the van, contacting the police will take too long."

"Good thinking. The only problem is I don't know which direction they went," I look around nervously.

But Mark had a plan.

(Y/n)'s POV
My eyes slowly open, adjusting to the change in lighting. I try to look around, to search for anything to tell me where Aiden has taken me. It's had to look through, because everything is in a colorless haze.

Realizing I'm slumped over, I try to get up. A tugging on my arms and legs tells me I'm tightly tied to chair I'm sitting in.

Suddenly, I feel an aching pain on my arms, legs, and face. Quickly glancing at my forearm, I see many bruises forming.

Horrifying memories flow through my mind- Aiden hitting me, pushing me down, kicking me, throwing things at me, punching me. My skin still feels the impact.

Finally, my vision clears and I study the seemingly empty shadows of the small room I'm in. Somewhere behind me, a figure moves out of the darkness, I can hear their slow steps towards me. The way they sound is almost unmistakable.

All those times I had hid from him to avoid getting beaten, had forced me to memorize the sound of his walk. Just hearing it again makes my breath quicken from fear.

"Aiden," I squeak.

"I see you have awoken."

Sooo. I am in shock. You all reading this story have brought it from 4k to 7k views in just a few weeks. I'm so very great full for all of you. Thank you so much. Bye for now! <3

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