{57} Clothes

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Mark's POV
Where is it? Where is he? Matthias can't be taking this long. Did something go wrong? Is he okay? My thoughts were swarming as I stared intently at the glass doors. Every time they opened Jack and I would flinch, ready to jump up the moment Matthias walked in. Time was just inching by.

A few long minutes passed. My eyes fell to the floor, fixating on the pattern of the tiles.

Where is he?

"Mark?" I heard a familiar female voice say my name. I looked up.

"Amanda," I responded softly as I stood up to give my friend's wife a hug. She took a step back and pointed at my shirt.

"You're not hugging me with that blood on you," she sassily explained.

"Haha, sorry."

"It's fine. Matthias is out in the car with Luna. She was being fussy and wouldn't stop crying unless he held her. They'll be in in a few minutes. In the meantime, here are your clothes." She handed over two piles of clothing, giving one to me and the other to Jack.

"It's nice to see you again Amanda," my boyfriend said. He had only met her once, at Matthias' surprise birthday party back in September. They had gotten along well so I wouldn't be surprised if Jack actually meant his words, and wasn't just saying something to be polite.

Amanda nodded in return, adding a "you too," before Matthias burst through the doors with a sleeping baby.

"Mark, are you okay dude?" he asked, his voice slightly panicked, but mostly maintaining a chill nature.

"Yeah; like I told you, Jack and I are fine," I answered, reassuring him. "(Y/n) on the other hand..." I glanced at Jack. Now was not the time to explain.

Matthias quickly saw our discomfort and avoided the subject. "Hey, what happened to you guys' hands?"

"I broke a few fingers punching an ass--"

"--Idiot of a guy," Jack interrupted me before I swore in front an entire waiting room full of people. "And I just scratched up my hands pretty bad on some concrete."

Matthias looked me and Jack up and down. "Oh. Are you both sure you're okay? Your clothes are pretty bloody."

"Yeah, most of this isn't our blood so no need to worry about us," Jack answered. Lucky, Matthias didn't press the subject.

"Thank you both so much for coming out here to bring us this stuff, you really didn't have to," I said, breaking the short silence.

Amanda waved her hand at me dismissively. "Don't thank us, you've helped Matthias and me more times than we can count. Besides, Luna needed to get out of the house. Just call us when you know more about what's going to happen with (Y/n), okay?"

I nodded, smiling at them as they turned to leave. Jack waved, being careful not to move his wrist too much under the bandages.

Sigh. Where did the nurse say the showers were again?

I went up to the receptionist at the front desk and asked her. Eyeing my clothes, she pointed me in the right direction without asking any questions. I motioned for Jack to follow me, and we made our way to the hallway she specified.

There were four identical rooms lined up next to each other. Inside each one there was one open shower, a sink, a mirror, and a small tile counter with towels and body wash on it.

"H-hey Mark?" Jack asked.

"What is it?"

"Um, I kind-of can't wash myself with the bandages on my hands, 'cause the nurse told me not to get them wet, so can you help me?" Despite having been in a relationship with me for a couple of years, he seemed slightly embarrassed by asking me, his gaze avoiding mine.

"Sure Jack. I hope you can at least take your clothes off by yourself though?"

Jack blushed lightly. "Yes Mark, I can."

I smiled followed him into the nearest room, shutting and locking the door behind us.

Ooh; what will happen next??

Hey! Get your mind out of the gutter! What do you take me for- some smut writing hooligan? ;)

Anyway peeps, thanks for reading and bye for now. <3

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