{52} Consciousness

658 26 13

Jack's POV
It had been a while since Mark and I were left alone in this silent hospital room. Exactly 28 minutes and 43 seconds. I counted.

44 seconds.


Time moves in slow motion. By now, Mark and I have calmed down and wiped away our tears, ready to face (Y/n).

46 seconds.


I hear shuffling outside the door.

48 seconds.


Two nurses (both female) and two doctors (one male, one female) enter the room, hastily wheeling a stretcher in with them.

50 seconds.


My eyes land on (Y/n)'s face. It looks completely still, until further inspection. A slight twitch of her facial muscles causes it to seem like she trying to escape from some sort of internal hell. I force myself to tear my eyes from her perfect complexion.

52 seconds.


The female doctor slowly walks towards us. The male doctor and the two nurses start hooking up (Y/n) to some machines that are monitoring her breathing, pulse, etc.

54 seconds.

50... 50-what? I've lost count.

The doctor speaks, "(Y/n) is alive, but not conscious. She most likely will not show a response if you talk to her or hold her hand. But, in the extremely unlikely event she does wake up, we are happy to know someone is here waiting for her." Her voice makes all her words sound dull and uninteresting, creating an impression that she doesn't care if the news hurts us or not. "We found a bullet in her left lung. It had gone strait through the right lung, and clipped the bottom of her heart. We removed the bullet, but found her stomach was damaged. She also had a few broken ribs, and bruises and cuts leading down the length of her limbs. Our surgeons and doctors tried our best, but with so much blood lost and wounds gained, her chances of survival are slim to none. I'm terribly sorry."

All of the soul crushing news we have received throughout the day, crashes into me once more. I look away from the nurse to (Y/n), whose raspy breaths emulate the pain in my chest. Swelling with regret, worry, and longing, my eyes pour new tears onto my cheeks, that stream down my face onto my lap.

"Once we know she is stable for now, we will leave you two and (Y/n) alone," the doctor concludes. I manage to nod my head, in an attempt to thank her for trying to preserve (Y/n)'s fading life.

I glance back at (Y/n) once more, her torso wrapped in a temporary bandage.

I know Mark it looking at her too, thinking how much she's changed our lives in the seemingly short time we've known her.

Please pull through, I silently wish.

Thanks for reading so far. Regular updates might be a bit later than usual, but I'll try my best. Bye for now! <3

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