{51} Soon

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Mark's POV
I must have fallen asleep after Jack because the next thing I know, the nurse is shaking us both awake. I yawn and look to Jack, seeing him rubbing his eyes and sitting up.

"Good news," the nurse starts, trying to give us some hope; "(Y/n) will be getting out of surgery very shortly."

"And the bad news?" Jack says, now fully awake.

The kind nurse seemingly looks down in shame. "We don't think she'll last the night."

Upon her words reaching Jack's ears, I see the small spark of happiness he had extinguish. The light in his eyes fade to nothing, his body nearly goes limp, and the small smile he had is slapped off his beautiful face.

"Jack?" I question, placing a shaky hand on his shoulder. He flinches and moves away from my touch, as if I had burned him.

"Are you going to be alright sir?" the nurse directly asks Jack. He doesn't respond, so I answer for him.

"I think we just need a moment."

The nurse hesitates before speaking. "Okay, I'll be in the next room over if you need anything." Once again, she turns around and walks towards the door, her shoes squeaking on the clean tile floor.

As soon as the door closes behind her, I reach over to Jack and pull him in for another hug. This time, he doesn't object to my touch, he welcomes it, pressing his face to my chest. His fists ball up my shirt, keeping me from moving away.

I hear Jack whimpering as his tears start to stain my messy shirt. I lean down slightly and kiss his head, running a hand through his matted green hair.

As the minutes of silence go by, the realization of the nurses words suddenly hit me. I hug Jack even tighter, trying to hold back my own tears and stay strong for him. But I can't keep it all in for very long.

Soon both Jack and I are a crying mess sitting on the chair.

(Y/n)'s POV
I can't see anything for miles. It's pitch black. Any words I speak echo off invisible walls. If I take a step in any direction, I feel as though I've gotten nowhere.

I sit on what I can only presume is the ground. I hug my knees to my chest, my eyes overflowing with tears.

Will I ever see Jack and Mark again?

Will I be trapped here forever?

Just as I am letting go of my last shred of hope, I hear a noise in the distance. A mechanical beeping. It's becoming louder and louder as it draws nearer and nearer. I start to feel my own heartbeat, hear my own breaths.

I quickly get up and start walking towards the sound. Then sprinting. Then running, racing towards my last hope.


Sorry I didn't put up a chapter yesterday, but here you go. Expect another update later today. Also, 15k views is amazing, thank you all from the bottom of my heart! Bye for now! <3

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