Chapter Twenty-One

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Kellin's POV

"Kells, I've got to get going," Vic said in my ear quietly and I whimpered, my head feeling like there was a jackhammer going off inside of it. And my throat hurt a lot, I didn't even understand why but it did.

"No, baby stay." I whispered, clinging onto him, clenching my fists, bunching up his t-shirt. "I want you."

"I know but it's like six in the morning and I need to go before your foster parents find out I'm here," He told me and gave me a kiss. "How're you feeling Sweetheart?"

I let out a whine, "My head hurts so much. What did I even do last night?" I mumbled, rubbing my eyes tiredly.

Vic laughed quietly, "Well, how about we talk about that when you get home from church later. Which you have to go to."

I glared at him, "No, I don't wanna."

My boyfriend gave me a kiss, "Well you have to, remember our deal?" He said, pushing my hair out of my face, his finger trailing down my cheek.

I sighed, wrapping my leg around his waist, "I know but does that mean I have to go to church? My douche bag friends are there."

"If they're your friends, why do you think they're douchebags?" He asked me, his hand going to my waist.

"Because they're closed minded and mean and I just don't want to to deal with them."

"Well then stop being friends with them," he said and gave me a kiss. "But you're going to be a good little angel and you're going to go to church like an angel does."

"I don't wanna be an angel, baby why do I feel like shit?"

"Because you got absolutely wasted," he said and gave me another kiss before he got out of my bed. I sighed and looked over at Alan's side of the room to find that Austin was still asleep in his bed.  "You might want to wake Austin up, Jane and John will get pissed if they find out that you two stayed the night."

"But that would involve waking Alan up in the process and I don't want to wake Alan up."

I narrowed my eyes at him, "Go Vic."

"Don't make me do it."

"Victor Vincent do it," I said and laid back down. "I would but I think I'm dying."

"You're not dying." He muttered and walked over to Alan's bed pushing Austin's arm a little.

"I am," I whined. "My head hurts so much."

"You're not allowed to die Sweetheart," he chimed. "Austin, Alan get up."

I heard Austin mumble but heard nothing from Alan. 

"Come on get up." He whined.

"Vic I will kill you if you don't leave us alone," Alan threatened and Vic gave me a distraught look.


"Get them up."

"Alan, if Jane and John find out Austin and I are here you and Kellin are going to be toast."

He sighed, "Austin get out of my house."

Austin groaned and sat up, "Rude."


"I can give you a ride home if you want," Vic offered and slipped on his shoes.

"I-It's fine I-I can walk." Austin said and got out of Alan's bed.

"Austin just let Vic take you home," I muttered throwing a pillow over my head. "Baby, will you get me some aspirin?"

"N-no I'll walk."

Angel Eyes (Cashby & Kellic) Collab with GabisnotfabWhere stories live. Discover now