Always Lock your Doors...

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Penny POV

I wish I kept my mouth shut. Kayla was on me all day long. She even came up with this annoying ship name, Talenny. Honestly. Every 5 minutes it was, "Hey Penny, update from TALENNY????"

 Finally after a day of no MAD activity she left me alone.  I undid my pig tails and settled into my bed. I sat up and scrolled through MySpyPlace for a while. One thing was bugging me. Talon told me he would be seeing me today. Yet not a single trace of MAD. I hope his uncle didn't do something to him. With that train of thought I fell asleep, never thinking twice about the door that led to my balcony being slightly open.

Talon POV 

I watched her as she scrolled through her codex. Something was really bugging her. She didn't even bother to notice that her door was open. I was going to have to seriously bug her about that after I kidnap her. I mean, some creep could get her in the night! 

Anyhoo, her eyelids started to drop then a couple minutes later she passed out. I slowly pushed the door open and fished out a bottle out of my jacket. I walked over to the bed and froze. Her hair was undone and spread on the pillow perfectly. Her eyes were closed but I could still imagine her perfect eyes, sparkling in the moonlight. She looked like a angle in her sleep. So calm and beautiful.

 I shook myself and poured the liquid in her mouth. She swallowed reflexively but didn't wake up. It was a heavy sleeping dosage. She was going to be out cold for a while. I pulled off her blankets and stopped. She was only in a tank top and sweat pants. She was going to freeze if I took her outside. I unzipped my jacket and pulled her arms into the sleeves. I slowed when she took a deep breath in. 

She mumbled a little and I could catch the words, "Talon took me home, Kayla. Put that motorcycle down." 

I smirked at that and picked her up bridle style. Her head fell lightly against my chest and my heart fluttered a bit. For once I was the only one blushing. I stepped out on the balcony and took off gently.

When I arrived at the MAD base I took Penny inside. My uncle was in his lair playing his dumb game of paddle ball at his monitor. 

"Talon! Guess who just got the all time record of 94 points!" I rolled my eyes.

"Ya, that's great Uncle C. Look, I got Gadget's niece!" 

He set down the remote and chuckled evilly. 

"Wonderful, take her to your room."

 "Wait, what! My room? Why not the guest room?" I didn't like where this was going. 

"Because the guest room is MadCat's area now."

 What? MadCat owned like half the base! "But Uncle C..." 


 I turned and ran before he could wake Penny up.

I set Penny down on the side of the bed closest to the wall. I didn't want her to roll off. I changed into a simple black t-shirt and a pair of purple plaid shorts. I picked up what I didn't want Penny to see when she woke up. Mostly pictures of her and dirty clothes. That was a lot of cleaning. I was so exhausted by the time I finished I didn't even try to go anywhere else. I put the blankets on top of Penny and rolled into bed next to her. I would just have to dodge her kicks in the morning.

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