Penny's Birthday: Part 5; Talon's Surprise

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Talon POV

That was GREAT!!!! The look on Penny's face when I kissed her!!! I held her gentle hand and led her up the stairs outside. We were on top of the HQ building and she looked around. 

"Wait..." she started eyes getting wide.

I laughed, and hugged her from behind. She shrieked. "NO! NO! Don't fly away!"

"Relax Pretty Pen. I just have a present for you." I said stroking her hair.

"Not funny Talon" she stuttered.

She chilled but still looked pretty shaken up. I gestured her over to a crate. I pulled the hidden package from behind it and gave it to her after she sat down. She smiled at me, then took it.

She pulled off the lid and set it aside. She gasped and pulled out a pair of gleaming white-silver rocket boots. The soft but sturdy metal was cut and layed in a feather texture. At the bottom just above the ankles there were soft cut metal wings, there tips pointed up and proudly spread. 

"Oh My FREAKING GOSH!!!! TALON I LOVE THEM!!!" she reached up, hugged me, and planted a firm kiss on my cheek. She didn't notice my blushing thankfully and stroked the beautiful texture. "What's with the wings?" she asked wide eyed and stroking them.

I leaned over and pulled her close. An arm around her waist I whispered in her ear, "A beautiful angel shouldn't be with out her wings."

Penny POV

I was surprised at his arm snaking its way around my waist, but I didn't pull away. I could feel how strong he was, and I leaned back and nuzzled into his jacket.

"Oh, and uh... this is more for me than for you but it'll be an amazing view." he said, smirking. This was trouble. He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a device. Pushing a red button he smiled down at me. "You might want to cover your ears." 

"Why would I..." I was interrupted by the loudest explosion I have ever heard. 


The world erupted into color. Talon and I watched wide eyed as huge fireworks lit the sky. "Where did those come from?!" I asked.

"What?!!" Talon yelled.

"Where did those come from?!!!!!!" I yelled back.

"I sorta blew up my uncle's supply of missiles and rockets!" he replied.

I watched the display and I have to stay. Those were some impressive fireworks. They swirled and twisted, before colliding and displaying their inner beauty. I leaned on Talon again and watched. I felt his head tilt and he held me closer. 

Talon POV

I knew that all I wanted was for us to be together. This was wonderful and my heart was skipping in circles. I took a deep breath of vanilla scent and wished with all my heart that MAD and Uncle C would just go away...

 I took a deep breath of vanilla scent and wished with all my heart that MAD and Uncle C would just go away

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