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Penny POV 

"So. What should we make?" Talon asked.

"Well, I'm in the mood for pizza. Are you good with that?" 

Truthfully, I wanted pancakes but my grandmother had the best pizza sauce recipe. I knew Talon probably had a lot more experience then me in breakfast foods, (due to Uncle Gadget blowing up breakfast all the time) and he was bound to cheat somehow. He was a villain. Even if his is cute. UGH! I can't think things like that.

Talon POV

Pizza? For breakfast? Oh well, I can do pizza.  I have this awesome recipe for the dough. So soft and the edges are stuffed. Okay, I'm making myself hungry. 

"Okay Pretty Penny, pizza it is." I led her to the kitchen. 

"WOW. You guys must do some serious cleaning. This place looks like it came out of a house catalog." she stated looking around at the shiny counters and steel cabinets. 

Her eyes were really big and I admired the sapphire color. I shook that thought away and replied.

"Yeah, my uncle usually doesn't cook so I have to do some of the work." I frown as I start to take out ingredients. I do all the work.

"I'll help you." she reaches up and takes out fresh tomatoes.  

I grin, "So you'll have a valid argument when I win?"

She gets serious, "No, so you'll have no excuse when I win."

I turn and take out mozzarella cheese. "Ha ha. Your going down." 

Penny POV

After we took out the ingredients we started on our pizzas. The counter was so huge that we easily had enough space for the both of us to work. I mixed the flour and some other ingredients together. I sprinkled flour on the counter, getting a look from Talon, and kneaded the dough. Not too tough, I reminded myself. I rolled out the dough into a circular pan. Making sure it was a perfect circle I took the fresh tomato sauce I had made. I added my grandmother's secret ingredient. I took the sauce and spread it on the dough. Sprinkle on the cheese, double layer, I recalled my grandmother showing me. When I finished I double checked and picked up my pan. Talon did the same and followed me to the oven.

 Talon did the same and followed me to the oven

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Talon POV 

I placed the pizzas in the oven. I set the temperature and we sat down on the stools beside the counters. I glanced over at Penny. I started to chuckle. 

"What?" she asked.

"Let me get that for you."

 I leaned over and wiped a bit of sauce off her cheek. Her face tinted pink but I pretended not to notice for her sake. 

"Thanks." she replied awkwardly.

I was unsure how to continue the conversation. She flushed a bit and cleared her throat. "Hey Talon? Can I, uh, well... do you guys have any spare clothes I could wear?"

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