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Talon POV

As we made the trip back home Penny fell asleep. I carried her bridal style to make it easier for me and her. She looked beautiful. I saw the horrible cloud of darkness that I lived in adjusted my path. My Pretty Penny flinched a little but then smiled and nuzzled deep into my jacket. Before we went back into the cloud I took one last look at her in the moonlight. I wouldn't have even dreamed of a night like tonight before. Now I wanted nothing else. Other than her of course. I sighed as I returned to reality. Could this work? Someday maybe, but we couldn't be together today. I descended onto the rooftop and made my way to my room. When we got there I took Penny's shoes off her feet and laid her down in the bed. I stopped and looked at her. Then, overwhelmed with emotion, I bent down and kissed her lightly on the forehead. She mumbled and gave a small grin. "Goodnight Pretty Penny." I whispered.

I left my room and started to wander. I needed to think. My Uncle was already in bed thankfully and that stupid excuse for a cat was probably stalking the chef. I went to the monitor room and checked security. Oh no. Oh no, no, no, not yet! Inspector Gadget was flying towards the base from Northwest. "Ahgah!" I cried frustrated. He had to come take Penny now!? I sighed. It was just as well. I knew she was probably homesick. Well, I won't hold him up then. I flew out a window and headed toward them. On any other occasion I would be firing lasers, cannons, the works at them but Penny was more important. She came first in my life, even if I won't admit it. 

"Inspector Gadget!" I called, "Penny is over here!" 

Brain growled but clueless Gadget shushed him. "Quiet Brain! We can't have the MAD agents know we're here." 

I resisted the urge to slap my head with my hand.

"Go Go Gadget follow that spike hair guy!" he ordered. He immediately soared at me and I dodged headed for my window. I gracefully bent into a dive landing perfectly on my floor. Gadget crashed into the wall knocking out the glass and concrete. Penny sat up startled and confused. Her hair was disheveled and she looked cute.

"Penny! This is no time for sleeping! We have to leave before the MAD agents take you!" Gadget scolded.

"But Uncle Gadget wait! I have to..." Penny started.

"No time Penny!" Gadget used his super long arms to pick her off the bed and grab Brain. "Go go Gadget, Rockets!" he cried.

I had a burst of inspiration and stepped forward. "Wait Penny! I have to tell you that I..." 

Gadget took off out the smashed window and Penny was taken away, watching me as she left. "Tell me next time!" was all she had time to say.

I watched them disappear and sat down on my bed. There goes my chance, I thought. I observed the giant hole in the wall and decided that Uncle C would not be pleased. Looking down I forgot all of that and started to laugh, realizing Penny had forgotten her shoes.

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