Chapter 1

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Lea's POV

   I was listening to the speech of one of the artist in this exhibit. Her speech really hit me so hard. Like those message are meant for me. Yes, I am one of those people who let one kid feel like they are forgotten.

I am Lea Salonga- Chien, Broadway diva. That's all the people know about me. But there is one thing that keep on bugging me.


Sorry! Baby, but mom need to this ha. Always remember mom loves you but mom can't keep you.

I'd remember my daughter that I left in orphanage 20 years ago. I left her because I was too weak that time to face the consequence of my decision.
Now, I feel guilty of having this kind of life. I'm always thinking what happen to her now. This young artist in front of me have same age as my daughter.
I should find her, I want to  let her know that she is not a forgotten daughter.

Aga's POV

I saw Lea she  wiped her tears. I know those words hit her that much. Even, me it hit me so much. I was so stupid that time to let her do it. I was an irresponsible father to our daughter. I let her left my daughter. I don't know where she is right know. I know she's 20 years old right know. I know she grew up beautiful like her mom. Actually, it's not only Atasha likes the painting me too. I can feel the pain of that painting. I'm sure my daughter feel the same way as what the painting message.

I hope she grew up in decent family. I hope she have comfortable life. I hope I can see her, hug her and have the chance to tell her how sorry I am for being such an asshole father. For being not able to keep her.

Lea always do this she performed free for this kind of event. Especially for kids in orphanage. Maybe because of our daughter. Were good friends now our family are like extended family of them. Even my wife Charlene and her husband Rob knew about our daughter. They knew it before we get married.

What if I'll try to find her maybe it's not to late. Maybe we can make her feel that she was never be forgotten.

Hey! Guys! Matindi pa.alala lang po lahat ng Ito ay pawang resulta lang po ng aking imahinasyon at sa kagustuhan mgkaroon 3rd movie lamang hahahha


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