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A Richer Shade of Gold Chapter Ten

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A Richer Shade of Gold
Chapter Ten

"This going to be absolutely horrific." Xavier shook his head as Kendall and Ethan started laughing loudly.

Kendall hadn't planned on Xavier finding out about her little scheme that had been polished up by her fellow prankster Ethan. Xavier had just been there and Kendall decided in the moment that it wouldn't hurt if he knew. If anything, he could help make everything a little better. But right now, Xavier was doing anything but.

"How did you guys even get the stuff?"

Kendall threw her head back in laugher, "You forget I have connections Xav."

"Are you even sure this is going to work?" Xavier asked skeptically.

"Yes, Xavier." Kendall rolled her eyes. "Stop worrying."

"Well, in a fight as vicious as this, you have to make sure everything is going to work so you don't look like an idiot." Xavier reasoned, "You forget Wesley always thinks through what he does to make sure there's no holes in his executions."

"I know that." Kendall snapped. "If you're going to offer no more than negative remarks, feel free to leave."

Kendall didn't know what was up with Xavier but she knew for a fact that she was not interested in dealing with his moodiness. Xavier slouched lower into the booth and Kendall clicked her tongue. She wiggled out from the booth and brushed her skirt down before throwing a lazy wave at Xavier and Ethan.

"I have things to do." She said simply before stalking out of Queen Bean, the sound of her heels clicking against the floor fading into nothing as she merged in with the familiar horde of New Yorkers.

"Forwarded it? To whom? Get me on the phone with Shanti now!" Kendall rolled her eyes as she hung her coat up, trying to block out her father's booming voice but to no avail. "Shanti! Give me the update."

Kendall could hear her the poor woman's worried voice on the other side of the phone call as she ambled past William Emeretta's study. "I'm terribly sorry, Mr Emeretta. Gitta has forwarded the email to Steffan and four others. She did not know."

"I don't care! Do you realise what this has now caused?"

"I know, sir, I'm terrib—"

Kendall's father let out an exasperated sigh, cutting off his distressed secretary. "Get me a flight to Zanzibar tomorrow morning at eight."

"Which airline would you like, sir?"

"Are you brain-dead?" William demanded, raising his tone once more, "Why in the world would I buy my own plane if I was going to get you to book me on some silly public aircraft?"

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