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A Richer Shade of Gold Chapter Eleven

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A Richer Shade of Gold
Chapter Eleven

Lavish and elegant. That was the impression that always rang true about a House of Emeretta hotel. Kendall walked up the shallow steps leading towards the gold rimmed door which was opened by the guard. Kendall smiled and thanked him before stalking across the lobby and putting a hand down on the marbled counter, catching the attention of a receptionist.

"Hi there," Kendall greeted, giving the younger receptionist a tiny smile, "Is Gavin Laurence around today?"

"Yes, although he is caught up in a lot of work today. I'll just ring up to his office and see." The receptionist grabbed the telephone and started to dial.

"Tell him it's Kendall, he'll come down. Unless he wants to lose his job." Kendall smiled before tapping her nails against the marbled slate.

The lady nodded and gave her an uneasy smile before turning her attention back to the telephone. Kendall sat herself down on one of the plush creamy coloured couches in the around the centre of the space, taking in the extravagant lobby of the hotel.

There was a glimmering chandelier hanging in the middle of the ceiling and multiple cases filled with snow white lilies around the spacious area. The large glass doors and surrounding panels served as a passage for the rays of setting sun streaming through. The ceiling was a canvas, featuring clouds of pastel purple, blue and pink along with little cupids armed with their little heart shaped bows and arrows. In the corner was a little stage, prepped with classical instruments like the violin and the cello. The floor was of marble and the walls a creamy, beige colour.

Yes, the New York hotel had always been her favourite. Her parents had built it from the ground up. It was the first House of Emeretta and it will always hold a special place in Kendall's heart. She had created so many memories with the building and staff alike. Many people walked around staring at the lobby in awe. Some tourists who were residing elsewhere even came in just to take photos.

"Mommy, look at the ceiling! I feel like a princess." A small child piped, dragging her mother down the stairs, her space buns bouncing along with her every step.

"Honey, you said that yesterday when we checked in!"

"I know! But it's so pretty."

Kendall smiled a sad smile to herself. Much of the detailing had been due to her mother's keen eye for creativity. Kendall sighed softly and looked away from the little girl and her mother.

"You know, I tend to agree with her." A voice said from behind her.

Kendall closed her eyes and took a deep breath, not bothering to turn around to meet the owner of voice. She felt the couch sink to the left as Wesley plopped down next to her. "The silent treatment? Anyone would think you had gotten sick of me."

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