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A Richer Shade of Gold Chapter Twenty-Five

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A Richer Shade of Gold
Chapter Twenty-Five

It was a few days before Kendall talked to Wesley again. And it was when she frantically rushed over to his cabin in the early morning. The two had steered clear of each other for the past few days, enjoying Quebec on their own and sightseeing in separate groups. It seemed that when the two got in an argument, they would both ignore each other and run away from the problem. Maybe Sachi was right. Perhaps the two were eerily similar in their personalities.

Upon arriving at the shallow steps of cabin 3, Kendall's mind was already a scrambled mess. Her head flushed her consciousness into a hurricane. She reached for the handle and pushed the door open, her mind too occupied to recall what knocking was.

"Liv!" She called into the cabin, receiving nothing but the hiss of December wind sneaking through a gap in the window.

It was only a few moments later when Kendall heard shuffling and a bang come from one of the bedrooms. Kendall questioningly called out Olivia's name again before the door of the right bedroom swung open, revealing Wesley Archer clothed in nothing but maroon sweatpants. "She's gone out for a run."

"What? It's quarter to six." Kendall's brows knotted in confusion.

"I don't know, she's mental. I just tell her not to wake me when she leaves." Wesley shrugged, rubbing his eyes before sleepily raising his brows and scratching his jaw.

"What..." Kendall muttered to herself exasperatedly. "Why is it when I find myself urgently needing to talk to her, I find that she's gone out for a run?"

Wesley offered no more than a shrug. Kendall half expected something more, perhaps an offer to help her or an inquire as to what was so urgent that drove her to storm into his cabin so early in the morning. A silence stretched between the two. Kendall hadn't even noticed as that was such a common occurrence between the pair. Wesley let out a tired sigh.

"Would you like help?" He asked her, almost like he had just given into the nicer side of himself in an internal debate in his head about whether or not to help her.

"Help with what?" Kendall semi-snapped. In all honesty, she hadn't meant to rush the words out in such hostility, rather, she was just trying to waste no time.

"Christ, I don't know. With whatever you seem to be so distressed about." Wesley huffed annoyedly, rubbing his hands up his forehead and through his hair. "I mean, would you like to talk about it?"

Kendall didn't answer. She felt like Wesley was the last person she should have a heart to heart with but she wasn't exactly ready to decline his halfhearted offer. "I guess..." Kendall lifted her chin up, "That wouldn't be so terrible."

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