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A Richer Shade of Gold Chapter Twenty-Nine

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A Richer Shade of Gold
Chapter Twenty-Nine

          The courtyard seemed more abuzz than usual when Kendall returned from talking to Wesley.

If you could even call it that.

People were chattering loudly and stared at Kendall when she walked over to the table that held Olivia and Xavier along with her lower Gold tiered friends.

"Kendall." Ethan said, the shock visible in his voice.

"What?" She asked, furrowing her brows as she took in everyone else's puzzled yet curious expressions.

"Your lipstick smeared." Sachi told her nonchalantly before turning back to her laptop and typing away at it.

Olivia handed Kendall her compact mirror and Kendall let out a soft gasp. There was a streak of red smeared above her jawline, in line with her lips.

That prick!

Kendall tried to wipe the red makeup off but all it did was turn it the slightest shade paler. The chatter seemed to grow when Kendall spotted Wesley, his eyes searching for hers. Upon closer inspection, Kendall noticed Wesley visibly had red painted on his lips too.

Was that his plan all along?

To mess with Kendall and have the whole student body assume that the pair were making out in a secret corner somewhere?

Kendall felt outraged but she also felt another emotion. Was it regret? For placing herself in that situation? Or was it disappointment? That Kendall misjudged Wesley's true nature and thought that maybe, just maybe, he wasn't so terrible after all.

Kendall let out an annoyed scoff and turned away from Wesley's strong gaze.

"C'mon, K." Olivia grabbed Kendall's arm and lead her back into the school block, heading towards the girls' bathroom.

Kendall frowned at her reflection in the mirror as Olivia lightly dumped her nude Prada bag down on the sink top. Olivia then sifted through the bag before pulling out a spray bottle and some tissues.

"How are you always so prepared?"

Olivia shrugged, "I guess one of us has to be."

Olivia sprayed Kendall's face, right where the smudge was and raised her hand to wipe it away when Kendall stopped her and grabbed the tissues from her best friend. "I don't need to be babied."

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