Chapter 16

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Flames. Bright orange glows and flicks of burning warmth. He's falling, falling into flames with no way of escape. The windows, blocked, the doors covered on the consuming orange, the floor, caving in. No escape.

The mirror, Tucked away in the corner of his bedroom, untouched by the surroundings. He steps closer, in front of the mirror. Something was looking back, it wasn't him. Doe grey eyes, nightmare black hair, a tailored suit fit for business. This wasn't him. The man was gone. In the mirror was him but not him, him when he was happy. A toothy smile filled with happiness, shiny white hair, tanned perfect skin that held no blemishes, no burns, no bruises and no scars, his eyes, his bright turquoise eyes so filled life and innocence. He was gone. Now in the mirror he stood, him as now, in the present. A poor example of a smile, dull white hair slowly greying, tanned skin filled with cuts, bruises, burns and scars, his eyes now dulled and turning grey, a shine of innocence was no longer there. This is who he is now.

The fire spread, wrapped around his body and pulled him down, further and further into the burning darkness. It was becoming harder and harder to breath; smoke was filling his lungs and slowly suffocating him.

His heart was hammering. His eyes shot open as did his body, tearing itself away from the clutches of the soft, comfortable bed. He gulped in pints of much needed oxygen. His hands lifted to his face and wiped away the sweat that had formed on his brow.

It was a dream. A nightmare.

His eyes clouded over, thoughts entered his mind. Dreams are meant to be warnings from the brain itself, they hold hidden meanings and faces that you have seen maybe at a glance or a thousand times before. So, who was that man? Why was their fire? Why was there a mirror? He looked up to the corner of his bedroom, where the mirror was placed. Nothing was there. Just an empty corner that was currently filled with puppy belongings and toys.

Panic overwhelmed him, where was the puppy? He looked all over his bedroom, he wasn't there. The bed dipped slightly, a warm fluffy body pressed itself against him and a cold wet nose tickled his hand. The pup was there, right beside him, in his bed, asleep. He should be asleep, why wasn't he asleep? What time was it?

He looked over to his bedside table where his red LED wooden clock stood. The red lights read 03:57 am. It was too early, so why was there noise in this house? Shuffling of feet, banging of doors and creaks off the floor boards. There was only him and Hiroshi in the manor, so what was he doing awake? He knew it was only the two of them in tonight, his mom had taken Hiro and Haru on a shopping trip that would take a few days, so just in case he locked his bedroom door.

He moved the pup on to his lap and cuddled him closer. Lying down once again, grateful he had locked the door, the pillow was cool to the touch, the blankets were lovely and warm, it wasn't long before his eyes closed and dreams took over his mind once again.

His door opened, the locked door he felt so safe behind had now opened. Feet shuffled against his carpeted floor and his bed dipped as someone sat on it. He felt a hand stroke the side of his cheek in a loving caress, the thumb of the hand stroked over his cheekbone. He opened his eyes, the blurriness in his eyes showed the man he wanted to see, bleached blond hair, bright blue eyes and a happy smile.


"Not quite yet." That wasn't his father's voice.

His eyes opened fully, the blurriness no longer blinding him. This wasn't a dream; this was real and was happening. Right in front of his face wasn't the man he missed but rather the man the caused his nightmares. The slick black hair, the hardened grey eyes, the evil glint in his smile. The hand caressing his cheek didn't stop, he tried to pull away but he couldn't, Hiroshi's other arm was at the other side of his head, immobilizing his movement and pinning down his arm. Hiroshi leaned in closer so his mouth was near his ear.

He whispered, "I will be soon though, I'll be your new daddy."

This had to be another nightmare. He would wake up and be in bed with the pup curled up by his side. He closed his eyes and opened then, but Hiroshi was still there, towering on top of him and pinning him down.

"How did you get in?" He asked slightly afraid of the answer.

"You think a locked door would stop me, I have a skeleton key to this whole house." A smirk danced on to his lips as they curled up, "you know Tony, I'll be marrying your mommy soon, so you will have to start calling me daddy. I like the sound of that, don't you?"

A shudder ran down his spine, he didn't like the sound of that at all.

"But, you know, I don't have to marry your mommy. You could always marry me instead. That way you can always be laid by my side, I wouldn't have to sneak around to have you."

"But your inheritance thing, don't you have to marry a woman?" It was a quick answer and hopefully a quick escape.

"It says I have to marry, doesn't define the gender or age." He leaned in close, his mouth almost touching Tony's ear. "You could be mine." Hiroshi pulled back to stare at Tony's face. "I'll let you think about it." He leaned down once more and place his lips on top of Tony's, he pulled away. He stood, freeing Tony yet he was still immobilized, he walked back through the door into the darkness and once again the door was shut.



I'm back!!! So, I've just got my tablet back, what I am currently writing on, and I couldn't be happier. I didn't want to write any chapters on my phone, as I know those chapters would be absolute sh#t, pardon my language.

So, is anyone else hyped for Halloween?! I am so excited, every year I dress up my house, cobwebs, tombstones, police tape, skulls, the lot and this year is no different. I thought I would miss Halloween this year as I'm going to Whitby, but I'm coming back on Halloween, giving me plenty of time to create my horror house.

Oh, I almost forgot, the picture at the top is of Hiroshi, not the best thing I know, but the best I could find.

Anyway, until next time!!


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