Chapter 17

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She wasn't coming back. He knew she wasn't, she had taken the boys she barely knew and ran. She left Tony all alone with a psychopath in a giant house.

​Tony sat on the edge of his bed, the puppy was curled on to his lap and his phone lied limply in his hands. Moments before he was chatting into the phone, his mother was on the other end. She was apologising profusely. "Tony, I'm so sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

​"Mom, calm down. What's wrong? Why are you apologising?" Tony shouldn't have been so blind to the world his mother lived in. She might be off with the fairies most of the time, but she had a tight grasp of reality.

​"Tony, I'm not stupid. I know who and what he is." Tony almost dropped his phone.

​"If you knew, why did you-?" Tony was lost for words. Had his mom just set him up and left him with this psychopath?

​"I knew about his kids, how they were always neglected, how Haru was forced to go to the doctors every month for a blood test to see if he was really his. How Hiro was neglected all his life and didn't have even a shred of love, and I couldn't just do nothing, Tony. You've got to understand I did it to protect them."

​"What about me, Mother? Did you get so caught up playing the hero that you forgot about you real son?"

​"Tony, you're safe there. Hiroshi would not dare touch you."

​"You have no idea do you? You have no idea that he comes to my room in the middle of the night. You have no idea, Mother." Before she could even reply he hung up his phone angry with the woman at the other end.

​Tony didn't know what to do. He couldn't lock his door, Hiroshi had a master key to all the rooms and could lock him in at any time, which he had currently done. Tony was a prisoner in his own bedroom. He remembered the words the Japanese man spoke to him before he locked him in.

​"Marry me Tony, then I'll let you out."

​Tony flopped down on to his bed, he wanted to go home. Back to his little apartment in America, back to his caring mother, back to have the weekend in the skate parks, back to his plain boring school, and his friends.

​He felt a shuffling in his arm as the husky pup tried to make its escape. He unfolded his arms and the pup jumped on to the floor, he looked up at Tony expectantly.

​"You hungry?" This errant him a small bark. He got up to go feed the pup, 'say, you're more my puppy now than a gift for Haru, so how about we give you a name?' This errant more barks from the small pup. "Alright, how about Naruto, after the main character in my favourite show?" This errant him a growl. Tony poured the dry food into an empty bowl and placed it on the ground. "No? Alright how about Luffy?" Another growl, "Kagami?" Once again another growl, "Miguel?" Unsurprisingly there was another growl. "Kuroko?" There was no sound, moments passed and a small happy bark came from the pup.

​"You like the name Kuroko then? Fine I dub you Fancy Man Kuroko. Now how do we escape this room, Kuroko?"

​Tony picked up his phone and scrolled through his contacts. He could call someone, they could help. They could get him out of this predicament. Jonny would freak same with Blondie and Mark, Hikuru and Karou would probably think he was making it up and ignore him, Kyoya would go overboard, Haruhi wouldn't know what to do, Honey and Mori are already busy with other things. That leaves only one dreadfully annoying option. Call Tamaki.

Hello everyone,

I am so sorry this took so long to update.

But I am back now, thank you everyone for this to get over 25,000 views is simply amazing!!! Love you all


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