Chapter 26

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The sun glittered through the room, peaking through the dark blackout curtains that didn't seem to help. The sliver of sunlight was bathed in colour, it contrasted with the black and white darkness of the rest of the room. It was a beautiful silence in the room. It would look like a peaceful scene if it wasn't for the young boy, lying in bed, looking continuously at the ceiling.

Tony didn't want to fall asleep. He didn't want to wake up. He desperately wanted this to be real and not just a fabricated dream that satisfied his desires. He was out of that house, he was safe, he was no longer in danger. He was here, comfortably lying in a bed in the guest room of the Ootori estate. The only thought running through his mind, this can't be real.

He was pulled out of his thoughts by something wet and cold touching his hand hanging over the bed. His heart sped up. His eyes widened. His breath hitched. He was definitely awake now. Peaking over the edge of his bed, his heart in his throat, he prepared to see the worst. Finally gaining enough courage he looked down at his hand, only to find two big blue eyes staring up at him.

"Kuroko." He smiled. Calm washed over him, the panic in his subsided. It was Kuroko, the only one who knows every tiny detail he's been through. "Hey, buddy, need to out?" The pup started wagging his tail, eager to see his owner happy again. "Alright, alright, let me at least get dressed first, then I'll take you out." Feeling like he had energy again he swung his legs over the side of the bed and crossed the room. Most of his clothes had been put away by maids whilst he was having dinner the previous night, so finding suitable clothing and where they had put them was going to be an escapade.

Tony started opening the draws, the cupboards and the wardrobes, he finally found decent clothes. A pair of black skinny jeans, a plain grey top and a denim hooded jacket. After he made his way into the bathroom, brushing his teeth he couldn't help but stare at himself in the mirror. He had changed so much in his time at Q Manor. His skin had gone pale from the lack of sun exposure and shock, his eyes had dulled from their usual vivid colour from countless nights of no sleep, his hair had lost its white shine and looked more grey then white. The boy in the mirror wasn't him, he wasn't Tony. Not the Tony he use to be, anyway.

Finishing in the bathroom, he picked up Kuroko's lead and collar and let the room. "We still need to get you your shots buddy, how about we do that while we're out?" He knew he wasn't going to get a reply off the pup but it was comforting to talk to someone. Kyoya had told him yesterday that everyone should be out of the house today, due to work or other such endeavours. He wasn't sure where Kyoya would be, but he was thankful to be on his own, collecting his thoughts together and making sense of the mess in front of him.

Heading out of his room the pup followed after him. The Ootori estate was large, like Q Manor, unlike Q Manor he didn't feel dread plummet in his stomach with every step of the empty halls. He reached the bottom of the stairs as a butler came up to him.

"Master Tony, you are to walk young master Kuroko?" Tony only replied with a simple nod, "please do not go too far and keep your mobile device on you, also you need to be back by lunch, you have some visitors that wish to speak to you."

"Sure thing." He nodded to the butler one last time before he headed to the front door. He left after he put the collar and lead on the pup. He didn't know where he was going, he just let the pup guide him, he eventually ended up wandering around a part of the town. Shops lined the streets all with catching colours, tempting people to come in and buy their product. The biggest of the stores was a groceries shop and someone very familiar just walked out.

"Tony!" A familiar short haired brunette called out to him.

"Haruhi." He stopped and waited for her to catch up to him. "I haven't seen you in a while, how are you?"

"I'm doing well, but I'm more concerned with you, I've heard of everything that's happened and now you're living with Kyoya, what's that like?"

"It's only tempory, but it's nice, Mr and Mrs Ootori said that I can stay as long as I need." Once she caught up with him they began walking again. There was no destination in mind.

"That's nice of them." She made a fuss of Kuroko as he ran around her legs. "So where are you off to?"

"I just needed to get out of the house and to take this one out, he could use with his shots as well so I heading to the vets, want to join us?" He smiled greeting another dog owner as they passed.

"Sure, I could use the company." They walked with each other. Chatting comfortably with one another, talking about anything they could. "So what are you going to do?" She finally asked.

"I don't know, Mr Ootori said he's got the best lawyer on my case, they're not letting it go public for my sake, they're still undecided of if I'm going back to America or staying here though."

"Why is it their choice whether you stay here or not?"

"Apparently because I'm fifteen and have no legal guardian, the court has to decide, I turn sixteen in a few weeks though doesn't that count for anything?" As he asked the question they arrived at the vet. After that things got quiet as Kuroko got his shots, the conversation died out in the waiting room.

"Mr Detroit," the receptionist called for him, "Kuroko has had his shots, he can now be taken out at any time and can meet other dogs, your total all together is ‎‎¥14609.35 (£100 or $131.05)." He nods getting out his wallet to pay for the procedure. Kuroko was brought out to him and they were walking again.

Midday was soon coming up and the two friends bid each other well and goodbye for now. Tony made his way back to the Ootori Estate, dread no longer pooled in his stomach and a smile was spread across his face.


Hey guys!!

Sorry, this has taken so long!

So I'm exhausted, and writing this is the only thing giving me joy at the minuet. So expect more updates soon!!

Love you all!!! TTFN!!

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