Rey's Return

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Rey's POV
I stride off my shuttle and make my way to Snoke's.

I enter my pin and the door whooshes open. I see Snoke right away and he cracks a smile and a low chuckle escapes from him.

"Well if it isn't the new Master of the Knights of Ren."

I smile and take the last step to the platform in front of him. "Supreme Leader Snoke." I begin. "Nice to see you again."

"As for you as well." He eyes me closer. "I've been keeping some information from you, that I feel is now the appropriate time to tell you."

I stand still, staring at him, waiting for the information.

"Have you ever heard of your grandfather Obi-Wan Kenobi?"

My curiosity is sprung. "Grandfather?" I ask.

"Yes." He hums. "Your grandfather Obi-Wan was a Jedi Master... He trained Anakin Skywalker, who later became Darth Vader."

"Kylo Ren's grandfather." I state.

"Yes." He replies. "Your heritage is rather unique."

"What do you mean Supreme Leader? Because I come from the light side and yet here I stand as the new Master of the Knights of Ren?"

"Well while one side comes from the light. Your other side comes from the dark."

"And who may be my relation to the dark?"

"Your other grandfather... Emperor Palpatine or better known as Lord Sidious."

"The great Palpatine?" I ask stunned.

"Yes." He hums.

"Why is now the right time to tell me Supreme Leader?"

"Because now it is time to change your name and let go of the past."

"Change my name? To what?"

"Kneel young one." I kneel down before him as told. "Rey Kenobi, as the new Master of the Knights of Ren, you shall hence for be named Palbi Ren from this moment on." His voice echos.

"Palbi Ren." I whisper to myself before restanding.

"You shall only be called Palbi Ren from now on. No one shall ever call you Rey again, do not respond to those who do. I shall have them dealt with."

"Thank you Supreme Leader." I bow my head.

He vanishes before me and I turn walking out of the room on the Finalizer.

I begin walking to my room that I share with Hux. A stormtrooper stands outside my room.

"Yes?" I address him.

"Supreme Leader Snoke had a package delivered for you. I placed it in your closet."

"Thank you. You are dismissed." I force open the door.

"Honey is that you?" I hear Hux call out.

"Yes, it's me. I'm back." I smile.

He rounds the corner from our room. I can't help myself and rush to him.
I hug him hard and we fall on to the floor.

"Excited to be back?" He chuckles.

"Yes." I smile then kiss his cheek.

"I missed you too." He kisses my lips. "There's a surprise waiting for you in the closet from Snoke."

I stand and help him up. I go to the closet.

In the closet is a new uniform for me, complete with a helmet. I smile and admire it.

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