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Rey's POV
"Watch out!" I shout, as Ben almost hits part of the canyon. "Pull up!" I tell him.

He obliges and pulls up. A station comes into view, but there's no lights on.

"Think it's occupied?" Ben asks.

"Looks like a water downed version of Yavin 4." I reply, scanning the damaged landing pad.

"Well let's take our chances."

"All we can do until they run out." I reply and get up from my sit and head into where Apollo and Kayla are. "We're landing." I inform them.

"I've never been off Tatoonie." Apollo says.

"Well this planet is very different. There's water falling from the sky, called rain."

"Water is falling from the sky? For free?!" Apollo's eyes lights up.

"Yup. Be careful when you go out though. You can fall."

"I will. I'll hold your hand." Apollo smiles.

I smile back and feel the Falcon land softly.

Ben joins us. "Old imperial station, looks abandon."

"Just like Yavin 4." I smile and Ben smiles back pulling me in for a hug.

"Any chance this ship has some rain coats?" Kayla asks.

"Yeah." Ben pulls away and goes to get one.

I crouch down next to Apollo. "How are you feeling?"

"Excited." He beams.

I smile at him. He can only stay distracted so long before he realizes he has no left.

"Looks like Apollo gets my old one from when I was his age." Ben smiles and hands Apollo the little dark blue jacket. "My lady." He hands me an old beat white one that looks built for snow like on Starkiller Base. "Here you go." He hands a heavy brown coat with fur trim to Kayla.

"Thank you." Kayla says accepting the coat.

"Look at this cool pocket!" Apollo opens his coat revealing a small pocket fit for hiding something.

I zip up my jacket. "Ready to go exploring?" I ask Apollo.

"Yeah!" He jumps in the air.

"Make sure you hold Rey's hand and stay with her." Ben tells Apollo as he lowers the ramp.

The chilling breeze sweeps around us, blowing my hair about and raising my goosebumps.

"Big change from Tattonie, huh?" Kayla says.

"Yeah." Apollo says kind of amazed and slips his hand into mine.

Here. Ben slips me one part of my saber as he slips by and I pretend to fix my boot and quickly slip it inside and secure it.

"Okay, ready?" I smile down to Apollo.

He nods enthusiastically.

Ben leads the way with a flash light on top of his blaster.

We carefully dodge holes and make our way into the base.

Entering is easy, considering the front has been blasted wide open.

"Empire." Ben shines his light on the symbol.

"Going to search for a Darth Vader office now?" I tease.

"No." Ben plays along.

"Let's find a place to rest though." Kayla sighs.

"There's rooms on the Falcon." Ben informs her.

That Was MeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz