Plans for Hoth

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Chapter dedicated to Reylo_is_My_Halo . Thank you for the comment on my A/N. It really made me smile and gave me hope that not everyone will leave because of my absence.

A/N: Since I am limited on time, this chapter won't have pics/gifs. Sorry.

Palbi's POV
I enter the dark chamber on Hoth and see Mitaka waiting for me. Supreme Leader Snoke appears before us.

"Ren, you called for this meeting?" Snoke addresses me.

I bow and Mitaka follows my lead. "Yes, this is Hux's replacement. General Mitaka." Mitaka nods. "We have word that the Resistance is going to attack Hoth.  I suggest we set the base as a trap and aim to sabotage there troops as they take it over. We will evacuate all remaining troopers that don't leave on the Finalizer and set there course for Genosis, where will shall build a new base and ready a clone army."

"You want to bring back the clones wars?" Snoke interrupts.

"It may cost us some money and slow down our plans for a new Starkiller, but we can't use them to push back the Resistance."

"Geonosis is where the clones where originally built for the Separatists correct?"

"Yes. Under direction of Count Dooku." I reply.

"Very well. We shall only make a handful of garrisons under your control. As for Hoth, what kind of sabotage shall be done?" Snoke questions.

"I was thinking of planting land mines,  proximity bombs, setting a couple fires, and having myself and my appertince, Yerha, stay behind to cause some more trouble and flee once the Resistance is in complete chaos."

"Although, I can find some holes in this plan I shall let you play it out and see how it works. Don't fail me Palbi Ren." He bows and I reply the gesture as he fades.

"Congrats, you survived your first meeting." I say to Mitaka and turn to leave.

"I didn't even say anything." He follows me out.

"And you shouldn't. Don't speak until spoken too or until you have an excellent reason too." I head out and to the Bridge on the docked Finalizer.

"Begin making preparations for Geonosis. I don't want any stops or any delays on this course. Mitaka will be in charge and knows our plan of action." I turn to face him. "Is that clear?"

"Yes sir." They reply in unison.

"Good. Get started." I say. "Find me when you're ready to depart." I tell Mitaka.

"Yes, Ren." He scurries off.

I leave the Bridge and make my way to my room on the Finalizer.

"Hey Palbi." Yerha stops me.

"Yerha, what is it?"

"I was just wondering what I need for our first mission together."

Right, this is her first mission.

"Well do your best to remember you're training because you're still not ready."

"Should I find something white to blend into the snow?"

"No. Only wear dark clothes." I reply instantly without thought.

"We'll be spotted easily." She counters.

"Just do your job and follow my lead."

I enter in the pin to my room and quickly shut the door behind me.

I hear a soft knock. "What?" I shout.

"Can we go train some more?"

"Go practice by yourself."

I notice the boxes in my room and remember that I will be transferring rooms later. I head into the back of my apartment and begin gathering items to throw in boxes.

Ben's POV
There's a knock on the door and I stalk over opening it to find Poe.

"Hey." I greet him.

"Hey, mind if I come in?"

I motion him in and he comes in, sitting down on the couch. I close the door and sit next to him.

"Leia just had a meeting with the pilots... She is planning an invasion on Hoth... She said she knows Rey is there and when I asked why we haven't rescued her yet, she said Rey had turned to the dark side." I nod silently. "You need to bring her back."

"I know."

"How long have you known about Rey?" Poe asks.

"When I was captured I figured it out."

"That's why you returned without her isn't it?" I nod again. "Is there still hope for her?"

"There's still light in her, I know it... She can be redeemed, we just have to give her the chance."

"That's what the Resistance does best." Poe places a hand on my shoulder and smiles.

"My mother thinks she's a lost cause or is at least acting like it."

"General Organa never gives up on someone so easily."

I turn and look at him. He's right. "There must be more to the story... Poe I have to go talk to my mother, do you know where she was going?"

"I think she needed to talk to Finn. He should be in his room."

"Thanks." I call out as I rush past him and out of my room. I run down the hall and knock on his door.

"Hey Ben, you alright?" He asks surprised.

"Have you talked to my mother?"


"I'm right here." I hear her say and come into view. "What is it?"

"We need to talk."

"Okay." She says uneasy and steps out of Finn's room. "I'll talk to you soon." She nods to Finn who nods back and gives me a weird look before closing the door.

We begin walking away. "Why isn't there hope for Rey?" I ask.

"Rey is gone." She states.

"No, I felt the confusion in her mom. There is still goodness in her."

"Rey is Palbi Ren now. I've heard the whispers and now they're spreading around here."

"Yeah by you."

"Ben." She says sternly, facing me. "You will not accuse me of such behavior."

"Poe told me that you know Rey is dark and he asked me to confirm it. That's sounds a lot like telling people Rey is part of the First Order now."

"She is."

"They're using her. They changed her memories. She doesn't know what to believe."

"And how do you know this?" She crosses her arms.

"Ask Sassy! I did! Sassy was with her. I brought her back from there."

"Fine, maybe I will, but we are still invading Hoth. Rey is seen as the new commander and ending her may just put as one step closer to ending this war."

"Brilliant idea, kill me too while you're at it. Make Luke the last jedi."

A/N: Hey! I found a way to get on my Wattpad occasionally while I have my phone taken away.
Hopefully I get it back soon because I just scored 56 out of 50 on my first American Sign Language Exam. So my grade in the class is 104%. Gotta love bonus points 😍

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