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A/N: Chapter dedicated to Reylo_is_My_Halo.

Rey's POV
I set the Falcon in flight and begin to break away from Hoth.

"Watch the thrust." I tell Yerha preparing to make the jump to hyperspace.

I set our course for Geonosis and can only hope we aren't being tracked.

We make the jump and Yerha sits quietly staring out the front, then at the panel, then at me.

"What?" I ask.

"You're younger than I expected."

"Oh. How old did you think I was?"

"I don't know. Late 20's, early 30's."

"Nope, only 20."

She stares at me and I stare back waiting for her to say something, anything.

"Sorry, this is my first time seeing you without your helmet." She tells me.

"Don't get used to it." I get up from my seat and go to walk through out the ship.

Yerha begins to follow. "Stay in the cockpit. Shout if something begins to beep or it starts flashing red that isn't supposed to."

"What isn't supposed to?"

"Just get me if something beeps."

She turns and returns to the cockpit. I walk through the Falcon, checking rooms and between the cargo that was abroad, then it hits me.

I go to a floor panel and pull on it, lifting it up and I see a pair of familiar eyes staring back at me.


Ben's POV
We enter the base, following other fighters who are making sure it's clear for us. Proximity bombs seem to keep going off at every major doorway.

We finally make it to the medical bay and our medics wait for us.

I place my mom down on the bed, since I carried her in from the snow.

"Thanks Nerf Herder." She groans.

A medical droid shoos me out quickly and Luke grabs my arm and drags me to a supply closet.

"What happened?"

"She tried to kill Rey."

"Rey did this?"

"No." I look down. "I did."

"Ben." He shakes his head. "This does not look good... Like at all."

"I didn't mean to. My instincts just took over."

"I think you may need to leave for a while."

"What?" I ask surprised.

"You know, take off and go into hiding for a bit."

"Like you did?"

"Maybe, or go explore the galaxy like your dad did, but the point is I think you should leave for a while."

"You want me to just walk away from the Resistance and my family?"

"Not exactly. Just go think about your life and what you want. Not what I, your mother, or Snoke wants. Just focus on yourself."

"But aren't Jedi supposed to be selfless?"

"Maybe it's time for the Jedi to end." He says. "Just think about it." He exits the closet and I'm left alone in it.

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