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A/N: Since you all hate me now, here's another chapter... hate me some more.

Video A/N: I know it's not a Star Wars song, but like omg this song it kinda what is going on in this chapter.


Rey's POV
After Ben and Kayla cleaned up the blood and I cleaned up myself there hasn't been any discussion.

I search through the Falcon for my lightsaber, not even sure if Ben has brought it with him, whenever he got me on board after Yerha.

I give up and grab my staff again, my trusty staff.

I swing it over my shoulder and Jak sqwacks at me. I just look and nod at him to follow.

I grab a bag and place food and a spare set of clothes inside.

I make my way towards the ramp and I don't even sense Ben inside the Falcon.

"Are you leaving?" Kayla asks, as I pass her.

I give a nod, keeping up my silence.

"Will you be back?"

I give a shrug, but then nod.

She gives a sad smile. "I will see you when you return then." She gets up and comes over to me. "It's not your fault you lost the baby. Don't beat yourself up too hard okay?"

I nod and she pulls me in for a hug.

I break away shortly and leave the Falcon with Jak following me.

Finn's POV
Rose and I shower and get dressed for the day, then make our way over to the cafeteria.

"Food isn't that bad." I tell her, as we sit down.

"Food isn't that great either." She says finishing a bit.

"Attention troopers." Captain Halo speaks, quieting the cafeteria. "There will be a mandatory training session later. All are to attend." She finishes.

Rose and I look at each other.

An officer approaches and sits next to us.

"I don't think I've seen you too before." He speaks up.

"New transfers." I tell him.

"From where?" He asks, taking a bite of his food.

I glance to Rose to answer. "All over." She says without looking up from her plate.

I can tell it's a lie, but I don't think the guy can and he quiets down.

Ben's POV
I walked and yelled... and walked and destroyed things... then walked more.

I haven't slept, I've just walked for the past two days and nights.

I am like a heartless tourists here. I'm pretty sure I have walked around the whole island and see everything, but in reality I haven't.

I don't know where I have been or where I am going.

I'm not lost. I should be able to find my way back to the Falcon. I just don't want to.

I continue my walk, passing porg, other creatures Rey said don't like us, but will deal with our presence.

I come to a cliff ledge and get as close as I danger to the edge.

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