Ben's Mission

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Ben's POV
I land the Falcon on Endor.

"What's the plan?" Alexa asks.

Chewbacca roars about the absence of ewoks.

"Exactly." I tell him. "The plan is to look under ground."


"If you were hiding and didn't want to be found where would you hide?" I ask Alexa.

"In or under something, but why would they hide from us?"

"They don't know that the First Order fled, all they know is the Resistance basically lost the battle here."

Chewbacca roars again.

"Yes you can be loud this time." Usually we have him stay and watch for First Order ships, so we could listen for them, but this time we need our presence known. "Here, everyone carry one." I hand out the gallon jugs of water.

R2 beeps. "Not you of course." Alexa smiles at him.

We begin our hike to Poe's ship.

I examine the ship again and everything looks the same. "Alexa, leave your jug here."

"Okay." She climbs up and puts it in the pilot seat that has some blood on it.

We turn and start our much longer hike to Phasma's crash site.

Chewbacca offers to carry my jug and I let him.

The sky darkens as we finally reach it. It looks just like it always does. Minus the dead bodies we found the first time we came here.

"Wouldn't they have noticed the bodies missing?" Alexa asks as we enter the shuttle through the hole in the wall.

"Yeah, but remember, ewoks will eat humans."

"What?" Alexa raises her voice. "No they don't!"

"Then why did they try to feast on my dad and uncle?"

Chewbacca grunts in agreement.

"He was there." I motion to Uncle Chewy.

"Okay whatever, I'm going to rest if you don't mind."


She walks over to a seat and tries to get comfy.

I walk into the pilot pit. I once again go through it, but notice something.

Matt's orange vest is now in here.

"Guys! They're alive!" I run out with the vest.

"Isn't that a technician vest?"

"Yeah, Matt's!" I show her the name tag. "This wasn't here last time."

"They're alive!" Alexa cheers.

Rey's POV
I enter the chamber for my meeting with Snoke.

"Supreme Leader. " I bow before him.

"Palbi Ren. You wanted to speak with me."

"Yes Supreme Leader. I'm going to get straight to the point. How important is General Hux?"

Snoke raises an eyebrow. "He's replaceable, if that's what you are asking."

"It is." I straighten up some. "I think General Hux needs to be replaced as soon as possible if that's alright."

"What is going on Ren?"

"I wish to kill him." I keep my eyes locked on his while he looks around confused. "Love is weak. He is in love with me and I won't let him become a distraction."

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