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Rey's POV
Ben and I have been in Mos Eisley for a week and work at the local cantina. Our home is two doors down from Kayla, in the middle of the market, which is convenient.

We have a couple pairs of new clothes, but have to save some for home repairs. It's not much, but we are making the most of it.

The band finishes their last song signalling closing and I begin to clear out my section, as Ben thanks the last call people for their business.

The bus boy, Caskin, begins clearing the drinks from the tables and his little brother, Apollo, comes out and begins sweeping. He works under the table since his family died in a podracing accident.

Racer lost control coming through the stadium area on his second lap. Crashed into the stands, many were killed, including their whole family, besides the two of them.

Caskin is just thankful he has Apollo left.

We swiftly get the place cleaned and prepared for tomorrow.

"I don't know how you were able to convince that troublemaker to go home today Ben, but good job." Bawse, the Cantina owner, says.

"Guess I just have good people skills." Ben shrugs.

Or you used a mind trick on him. I voice mentally to Ben.

Ben turns and his smile falters ever so slightly. He knows we aren't supposed to be using our powers.

"Really to walk home?" He asks me.

"Yeah. Boys ready?" I call to Caskin and Apollo, who are putting some last minute things away.

"Yeah." Caskin calls back and Apollo runs around the corner, his little energetic, 7 year old feet carrying as fast as he can.

"Catch me!" Apollo runs straight for Ben.

Ben swoops him up in his arms and tosses him swiftly into the air and catches him.

Apollo giggles and I feel a smile break across my face.

Caskin returns and walks over to Ben and Apollo. "You better not be bothering Mr. Hallik." He smiles.

"Yeah. I don't know how much longer I can hold you." Ben begins to fake struggle. "Your muscles are too heavy."

He slowly and obviously fakely begins to lay on the ground with Apollo on his chest.

I walk over and put my boot on his chest next to Apollo.

"I win." I smile.

"You know if you two weren't new here, I would think he's your son." Bawse tells us.

I look down at Apollo's sun kissed Tatoonie skin and the light freckles spreading across his face. His eyes are similar to my green ones, but his blonde hair makes it almost known that he is not ours.

"Have a good night, see you all tomorrow." Bawse says breaking me away from Apollo who climbs off Ben and I remove my foot.

I help Ben up and we exit the cantina with the boys.

"What's for dinner?" Apollo asks tugging on Caskin, who walks ahead of front of us.

"I don't know. You may have to wait to eat until breakfast." Caskin frowns.

I look down at my rumbling stomach and remember my scavenging days and sometimes only having barely a meal a day.

"Do you both want to come over for dinner?" I speak up.

Apollo's eyes light up and Caskin gives me a sad, thankful look. "That'd be wonderful." Caskin says with tired eyes.

The boys follow us to our home and Ben opens the door for all of us.

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