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A/N: Anyone else love this video?

Ben's POV
My saber flies from me and into Rey's hand.

"You killed my unborn." She ignites my saber and looks down at it examining it for moment.

I stay frozen in place by my own will.

"No." I hear her whisper into the wind. "No." She cries out and turns swinging at me, with a kill strike from above the head.

"Rey!" I reach out stopping her hands.

"Ben?" She drops the saber and stares at me. "I... I thought you were Yerha."

"Yerha is never getting close to you again." I release her wrists and notice the red puffiness on her face, complete with an escaping tear.

"Rey." I brush the tear away with my thumb.

"Why are you here?" She asks turning away from me.

"Because I know that what I'm going through probably doesn't even compare to what you are going through."

"You wanted the child more than me." She counters with a soft voice. "I didn't even want to become a mother until I realized how much it meant to you."

"Rey-" I try to approach her.

"Stop." She cuts me off. "I need to be alone."

"No, your head is playing tricks with you. Your letting your anger consume you."

"It's helping me focus."

"I know how that feels Rey, but it's not the right way."

"What is the right way anymore Ben?" She turns to look at me. "Should we kill others for killing others? Continue stealing things and destroying land?"

"I don't know what's right anymore either... except that we are better together and that's all that matters to me right now."

I hold out a hand and she hestiates, but takes it and I pull her into me.

She wraps her arms around me and I embrace her back.

We stand there for a moment, before it crosses my mind. She thought I was Yerha and said that I killed her unborn...

"Rey." I pull back to look at her face. "How did Yerha kill our child?"

"She kicked me hard in the stomach." She moves her shirt up some and shows me the fading bruise across her stomach.

I pull her back into a hug, greatful that I still have her at least.

"I'm not showing her mercy next time."

"There's not going to be a next time." I hold her tightly in my arms.

Finn's POV
We run into a patch of elite troopers waiting for us.

I look to Rose who smiles, then runs forward and begins hand yo hand combat.

I'm taken back by her confidence, but a trooper  aims for me and I spring into action alongside her.

We disable the troopers and they lay motionless around us.

Rose takes a blaster and I grab a battle baton.

"Let's go blow up some stuff up and take what we know and go." I tell her.

"Why don't we just go?" She asks.

"Because it'll slow them down."

She rolls her eyes. "Fine. You blow them up, I'll work on a ride out.  Here's a commlink." She tosses me one.

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