Special Guest

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A/N: Please listen to the chosen song while reading this.

Palbi's POV
"Ren." Sassy calls out, as I enter the room. "Nines says the room is debugged."


"He knows Hux will notice soon, so we should probably act fast."

"Okay, lets show the First Order who's really in charge." I smirk. "Call for my Knights to come for a visit."

Ben's POV
I sit in the interrogation chair quietly bored with nothing other to do than sleep or stare at the walls.

The door opens and a trooper steps in. He points his blaster at me and unlocks my restraints.

I could easily disarm him and escape, but I feel a disturbance. Not the usual darkness lurks about the Finalizer, but something much darker.

"Where are we going?" I question him.

"Just keep quiet and don't cause any troubles."

"Tell me or I will." I shoot back.

I hear the trooper sigh. "Rumor is Ren is doing a public execution and wants you to be the special guest of honor."

"So she's not going to kill me?"

"No, word is she's going to make a statement. Now shut up."

"You forgot to cuff me." Must be new.

"Shit." He mumbles then turns and puts them on. I smirk without even trying to fight back or escape.

We enter a grand room with stormtroopers and officers lined up. I am escorted to the front on the stage and he pushes me down on to my knees.

Everyone stares at me and I don't even know how many actually know I used to be Kylo Ren since I never took my mask off.

The door at the end opens and I watch the Knights of Ren enter.

This can't be good.

Enjoy the show. I hear a voice harsher and deeper than Rey's with a hint of metallic.

The Knights line near the back and Nines steps out with a man that has a bag on his head. The man appears to be trying to fight back and I recognize his outfit.

Rey steps out silently and her boots send echos throughout the room.

She pulls the bag off his head revealing General Hux and no one dares to whisper seeing the fury in her eyes.

Rey croutches down next to Hux and whispers something in his ear. His eyes become panicked and he has this look of lost hope upon his face. The tape covering his mouth doesn't even allow his last words to come out.

She ignites my lightsaber... thanks a lot Finn... and raises it then quickly strikes in a downward sweeping motion and Hux's body splits in two falling side by side.

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