Mos Eisley

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A/N: I'm back from vacation!

Ben's POV
We land the Falcon a bit away from the town of Mos Eisley. Famous for drinks and finding pilots to do work on the down low.

Rey looks over and smiles at me. "What's the plan?"

"Find a home, get some normal jobs, and try to blend in." I reply.

"Okay, so where shall we hide our lightsabers?" She asks pulling hers off her belt and connecting them into a duel.

"Let's keep them on us until we are sure there isn't too much trouble we can't handle."

"Won't we be recognized?" She asks.

"Maybe cut your hair back up to your shoulders." I say fiddling with the ends of her hair that tends to rest on her chest.

"Yeah, it's getting long anyways." Rey smiles. "What about your hair?"

"I'm not cutting it. I always keep it slightly long."

"We'll have to change it somehow and this is long. Not slightly, it's long."

I bite my lip, debatingly. "Fine. I'm trusting you."

"We'll just cut our hair to how it was when you kidnapped me." She smiles again and I chuckle.

"Sounds like a plan. No buns for you though."

"Fine, can I braid your bangs back?"

"What kind of question is that?"

"Please." She begs.

"Fine. I won't wear it all the time, but fine, since it's different."

She giggles and wears a victorious smile. "Change appearance then let's find us a home. Wait is it like on Jakku? First come, first serve?"

"Yeah I believe so. Find a place, claim it."

"Okay. Chop, chop."


Rey's POV
We walk into town in some clothes we found on the Falcon with our new hair cuts.

I braided Ben's bangs back and they rest on top of his hair and are accompanied by a small bun on top.

I braided Ben's bangs back and they rest on top of his hair and are accompanied by a small bun on top

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Part of my hair on the side of my head is braided back too.

Part of my hair on the side of my head is braided back too

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It's something different and Ben says it looks cute.

I wear a blueish grey tunic with a dark grey belt and matching pants that tuck into my black boots.

Ben wears a tan shirt and some blue pants with a dark brown belt and his brown boots.

"For something who like black I'm surprised I'm wearing more than you." I smile as we approach the town.

"Yeah well with these credits hopefully we can find some new items to own." He goes to run a hand through his hair and rubs the braids instead.

"Don't ruin them." I smirk.

We exit the ramp and make our way into Mos Eisley.

We blend right in and I hold his hand and smile as if we belong here.

"Travelers eh?" An elderly woman asks as we go to walk by her stand.

"Yes. How did you know?" I ask.

"You're smiling. No one smiles in Mos Eisley." She smiles at me. "How long are you staying?"

"Unknown." Ben says, the wind picks up causing a mild sandstorm.

"Quick, take shelter here." The woman urges us in. "There's a storm brewing."

We enter into her home and she closes the door behind us.

"Thank you for your kindness." I tell her.

"No worries. Have long have you been travelling?" She asks, leading us further into her home.

"Not long." Ben replies before I can.

"Hmmm." The woman hums. "Sounds like you could use a good meal then."

"Oh no, we couldn't-"

"I insist." The woman stops me. "Please, sit and I'll fix you both a plate."

We sit at a small round table next to one another, still holding hands.

The woman goes to a cabinet area nearby and begins pulling out boxes of different grains.

"My name is Kayla. You have names?"

"Rey Hallik." I say the first last name coming to mind.

"Ben Hallik. Her husband." Ben smirks at me while Kayla's back is turned.

"Well Rey and Ben, you can stay here until the storm passes, but do you have a place to live afterwards?" Kayla asks.

"No. We were hoping to find a place then buy some belongings." Ben tells her.

"Well a home just opened up a couple doors down. It isn't much, but with some touching up and a couple repairs, it'll be a great place to get a fresh start."

"Thank you. Any chance you know a place hiring?" I ask.

"Mos Eisley Cantina always is. Loads of smugglers and travelers always passing through. You have good judgement skills you should be fine."

"Sounds like a good place for me to begin working." I look to Ben for approval.

"Guess I'll sit home all day." Ben smirks.

"I don't think so." I raise an eyebrow.

"How well are your bartending skills?" Kayla asks him, sliding us each a plate of grains and a slice of bread.

"I'm a fast learner."

"Well Rey can easily become a waitress there, I may be able to talk the manager into considering you as a new bartender. Can you break up a fight?" Kayla says while pouring us and herself s glass of blue milk.

"Yeah, no problem." Ben replies.

"You both should make enough to live here and if you get some nice tips, you can live conformably." Kayla smiles and we begin eating.

A/N: So on my vacation I was recognized from my Instagram face reveal last year 😂 what were the chances of me meeting like 5 of you on this cruise?! Crazy right?!
Anyways, anyone catch Rey and Ben's new last name? Sound familiar? Comment below when you figure it out :)
Clue: it's Star Wars related

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