Skywalker Tradition

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A/N: I beg you, please listen to Star dust from the Rogue One soundtrack, on repeat, while reading this chapter. I listened to it while writing this and it helped inspire part of this chapter.

Chapter dedicated to johannaistrash

Palbi's POV
I feel Yerha's presence drift away and I make my escape from my room, away from the voices.

I find myself moving quickly through the halls with no destination in mind.

My mind is spinning with questions that I can't seem to answer.

What memories have been stolen? How were they able to take them? When did I train with Luke Skywalker?

I open a door and the cold breeze of Hoth awakens me back to reality. I contuine walking, but only a couple yards. I slump against the side of the building and slide down into the snow.

How did I end up on Hoth? Which side am I really on? Who can I trust?

Then the more important questions come to mind... When did Ben and I get separated and why?

Is that what he meant when he said he was here for me? Has he ever lied to me?

He told me to remember Yavin 4, he said I wasn't actually Palbi Ren, but he also said he didn't leave me. So why did I leave him?

My head shoots to the sky and I see X-Wings begin their descent to our rigged base.

I stand and run back inside, swinging open the door and running to find Yerha.

"Yerha!" I yell out. "Yerha, where are you?" I knock on her door, but hear no reply.

Food that's right. I shake my head and take off running and clutch my saber.

"Yerha!" I contuine my search yelling her name.

A loud boom is heard and the base gives a shake and then more explosions follow.

I fall to the floor, dropping my saber, and the lights begin flickering.


Ben is here.

Ben's POV
I pull from lightspeed and descent to Hoth. There's no fighting, like they knew we were coming

"Why is their a Tie Fighter by the old shield generator?" Luke asks and I shrug my shoulders.

"Land near the old shield generator." Mom tells me.

"I'll check it out. Chewbacca and Finn, take the droids and try to get inside safely. There may be a trap." Luke says forming a plan.

"What? A trap?" Threepio interjects.

"I'll go with Luke." My mom says. "Ben you too, you'll fly the tie back over to the hanger."

"Why?" I ask.

"Because its out of place meaning it's their for a reason, so we'll figure out the reason and get a Tie Fighter out of it."

"Okay." I agree uneasy. "I got a bad feeling about this."

Palbi's POV
I feel his presence and know I need to find him. He'll have the answers I need.

I stand and force the saber to my hand.

I begin running to find my way out.

I come to the back door where we have left proximity bombs, but none are set on yet.

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