Jail Break

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Palbi's POV
We make our third stop at Raada, a small farming planet. I walk off my shuttle with Nines and DR-0410, who I've nicknamed Drix.

Halo has already started her process of searching through local catinas. I remember a place once called Selda's here being a popular place for rebels to meet. Darth Vader's old padawan, Ahsoka Tano, had lead them to take back the Planet from the Empire, but ultimately failed and had Raada's farmers resettled on Alderaan. They later paid the ultimate price for their betrayal.

I walk along the homes that my troopers search through. I feel a certain pull away from everything. A sort of movement in the force, but what?

I begin to follow the pull and walk past stormtroopers.

"Um, Ren?" Nines starts.

"Quiet." I hold up a hand and continue, picking up speed as it grows stronger. I feel the anger in it's power and smile to myself.

I round a corner and into an alleyway. "It's about time you showed up Palbi Ren."

Ben's POV
Rumors swirl around as Rey begins searching towns for any sign of a rebellion forming or clues to where we hide.

Surprisingly she hasn't asked me, only Hux did.

An unusual noise echoes throughout the jail, becoming louder and turning into the sound of footsteps.

"Ben?" I hear someone whisper my name. "Ben."

I go to the front of my cell and search for the source. "Hello?" I whisper back.

The footsteps pound as they run.

I see Sassy run past me.

"Sassy." I say and catch her attention.

"Ben." She comes over and slides a keycard freeing me. "We need to hurry. I'll explain as we go."

"What's going on?" I ask exiting the cell.

"Ren is gone with Nines, Halo, and just about a quarter of the First Order."


"Village checks."

"How long had she been gone now?"

"Left yesterday." She slides the keycard and we are able to exit the prison portion of the ship.

"How did you get yours hands on an all access keycard?"

She smiles at me. "Perks of being the Commander of the First Order's buddy."

"You're playing both sides."

"Lessens my chances of dying." Her smiles grows and she winks.

"This is why I find it hard to trust people

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"This is why I find it hard to trust people." I run a hand through my hair.

We approach a couple stormtroopers and Sassy continues acting casual.

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