Chapter 1: Summer Season

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"I cannot believe we're back in Pangaea today. Today." My voice was carried by the wind in the sea.
The ship was incredible! With its large deck and beautiful white sails, the crew always on hand doing the work and the cleaning. More so the captain was just as kind, plus they were Abigail and William's Uncle. Who had been so kind to me over the Summer Season. He would tell me stories of his time at sea with the Army. It was as if my own father would tell me these stories at night. But he was not my father.
It doesn't matter.
With my element, we were making great speed back to the Kingdom of Pangaea. The ship held together during our travels over the Summer Season while we ventured to new kingdoms and lands. Sometimes I felt it wouldn't since we travelled to unknown areas and more so during rather large storms.
Now that we were coming back to the Kingdom of Pangaea, it feels like it was all a dream. That nothing truly happened and that I imagined it all. Or that I was still dreaming and in just a moment I would wake again as a servant. With dirty hand me down clothes. Being treated like nothing but scum under another boot.
But we had done so much, it could possibly not be a dream. That was too much. All the adventures we went on. The mountains we climbed with one another. Even if it was little or if it was a large mountain. Either one. It would take us a while. The largest mountain took us a week to climb up and another week to climb down.
William beside me chuckled. "It will be amazing." He laid his hand on mine. "And you my love," He squeezed my hand lightly. "will be the most incredible Queen."
I smiled at him. "You're just saying that because you do not wish to be exiled from the kingdom."
"That too." He shrugged.
I laughed at him because I knew he was joking around. "You are going to be a handful back in the kingdom are you not?"
He laughed. "I shall with all my might try to be on my best behaviour."
I grinned knowing that he will be by my side. That made me the happiest girl in the kingdoms. Over the Summer Season, I had fallen in love. In love with my own friends brother. Who would've known? I defiantly didn't think I would be this lucky to find someone so quickly.
He leant forward and kissed my forehead, like he always did when he wanted to show affection. Slowly he raised it off my head and lowered his head a bit more. His lips brushed mine and I leaned up to connect them. The spark was still there after a long season. Every butterfly flying and my heartbeat racing. Just making me melt in his arms.
"Ugh. Stop it." Abigail groaned and faked being sick over the boat.
I blushed and looked away from her. Oops, for a moment I completely forgot she was with us. On this ship. Her fathers ship.
"If I had known that my older brother and my friend would be courting, I would have never of gone on this journey." She rolled her eyes.
"We apologise Abby." He chuckled and still moved hair away from my face. "Not really." He whispered to me with a smile on his face.
I kissed his cheek and turned to Abigail. Hoping she wouldn't be too furious with me for showing affection to her brother. In front of her. That was defiantly something she didn't want to be witnessing every single day. "Um... are you prepared for another year at Equites?"
"No." She snorted. "Another year another possible year of dying at that Academy." She sighed.
I turned back around and noticed the edges of Pangaea. The docks were there and the townspeople. At the top, I watched the beautiful palace grow. The palace I had forgotten about this season. The palace that I used to be a servant in and now, the Queen of.
"There it is!" Abigail squealed.
I nodded. "Yeah. We're back." I spoke softly.
"Are you nervous?" Abigail asked.
I nodded. "Just a little bit."
"Why darling?" William asked wrapping his arm around me.
"Well," I smiled nervously at both of them. "I must finally announce my first act as Queen."
"Oh." Abigail's mouth shaped into an 'o'. She looked just as nervous for me as I was for myself. "Will you be angering them?"
I nodded. "Absolutely."
William sighed as he had his arms wrapped around me. "It doesn't matter because you are the Queen. The True Heir."
I nodded. "Yes. But they have been ruling much longer than I have. They will believe and I believe this, they have so much more experience than I do." I smiled nervously at her and she shook her head at me. "What?"
"You've already brought back equality to the land by admitting all creatures to Equites. You also let Prince Charles leave with his sister stopping a war between Verum and Pangaea. Plus, you lead a battle where thousands were saved." She reminded me.
"But thousands were lost." I whispered.
"That." She smiled sadly. "Could not be helped."
William's arms tightened around me and he laid his chin on top of my head. "Everything will be fine. I'm sure your first act as Queen, will be fine and most importantly it will change the kingdom for the better."
I looked to the Kingdom. Where it was growing by the second we were making our way towards it.
The reason I wanted to come on this voyage at first was to escape the Queen. And then I escaped being the Queen for a final summer season of freedom.
Now, I was on my way to giving my first act as Queen that will change the lives of those around me. Oooh, I was defiantly not prepared for this.
But. This was my new beginning. As the True Heir.
This was the beginning of the True Heir.
Clueless Nation

WE ARE BACK NATIONATORS! Welcome to 2019! CNC hope you've had an amazing start to the year and hopefully this will be a good way to end the first week of 2019 for you all!

Are you ready for this?
Comment down, what you think her first act as Queen will be? And what your thoughts are on the first chapter.

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