Chapter 28: A Cause for Celebration

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"Thank you all for coming." I smiled up from the stage in front of the largest crowds I had ever been in front of. "To our honoured guests whom travelled here tonight to see a historical moment. A vampire, a werewolf and a faerie to be named a part of my Council." I smiled to each section of the ballroom their species were in. "To the exciting part I know you are all eager for." I grinned and walked over to Ambrogio first as I had asked him first. "One of the oldest vampires I know. To represent the vampires on my council, one of the wisest vampires I know and I am honoured he accepted My dear friend Ambrogio."
George came out with a cushion and a single brooch resting on top. He held it up to me and I bent down for it. "Thank you my friend." I said loudly enough for everyone to hear how much he meant to me. He bowed as he slowly walked back out. I smiled at Ambrogio, our sides to the audience. "Wear this brooch as a symbol of your commitment to the Queen's Council. It is a symbol of your love and dedication to the Kingdom of Pangaea. Your loyalty to me and to the crown."
He nodded. "Your grace."
Everyone in the ballroom cheered, so loudly it killed my ears. It would have killed the vampires and werewolves ears as well. I moved onto Conri who was the second person I invited to my council. With a quick look to Robin, I winked and he grinned even wider if that were possible. He gave us both a thumbs up before I proceeded.
"One of the first wolves I had encountered in my life who showed me kindness. To represent the wolves, one of the most courageous wolves I know, and I am baffled he accepted so quickly." I giggled. "To my friend and confidant Conri."
Again George came out and did the same thing. As did I, he blushed more so and hurried back to behind the curtains. I grinned at Conri, who looked so hopeful in his eye and nervous as well. He was probably not used to something so formal.
"Take a deep breath my friend." I whispered.
"Easy for you to say." He grumbled out.
I gave him a small smile. "When I was nervous I had help from two friends," I looked over to the doors where they stood, where only moments ago we had entered from. They saw me looking at them so was Conri, their eyes widened in fear but I gave them an encouraging smile. "who told me to envision the crowd in their underpants." I looked back to Conri and smiled. "It works."
He furrowed his brows.
I cleared my throat and spoke loudly and clearly for the crowd. "Wear this brooch as a symbol of your commitment to the Queen's Council. It is a symbol of your love and dedication to the Kingdom of Pangaea. Your loyalty to me and to the crown."
The crowd cheered loudly, especially the Wolves whom howled in excitement. One of their own was on my council, was having the honour to represent their entire race to the Queen. The Queen they had pledged to support before I had the crown on my head. Before I was recognised as the True Heir.
I turned to the crowd and raised my hand to silence them. They did so slowly, soon I would have their respect, I hoped and it would be much quicker. As the silence came slowly I took deep breaths, nervous as hell as to what I was about to say. But I had to, to show my appreciation to the wolves.
"The wolves pledged their allegiance to me before it was known that I was the True Heir. I would like to show my appreciation to them, by publicly thanking them for their allegiance and trust." I nodded to the Wolves. "Thank you for your endless support and I hope by choosing soon to be Alpha Conri of the Blood Moon Pack to represent you is a good way to show my endless gratitude towards you."
The Wolves howled into the air for a much longer time than I thought they would.
"They are showing their respect." He whispered into my ear. "It means they appreciate your choice."
The howling went on for about an hour. An hour I did not interrupt them and I lowered my head in respect of them. It was respectful and I appreciated it and it made my heart soar. Once they were done I nodded in their direction.
"Thank you." I spoke softly and moved on to my last Council member I would introduce. "Lastly the first faerie I encountered helped without wanting anything in return to represent the faeries. One of the most noble and kind hearted, her royal highness, Princess Gardenia."
I smiled at her as George returned with a brooch and once again I bent down to her level. "Thank you George for your assistance."
He left to go back behind the curtains, he was allot more confident the last time he came out. I hoped he felt comfortable and that I didn't embarrass him.
"Wear this brooch as a symbol of your commitment to the Queen's Council. It is a symbol of your love and dedication to the Kingdom of Pangaea. Your loyalty to me and to the crown."
The crowd, for the last time tonight cheered for Gardenia. It was an ear splitting cheer and I stood aside for them to continue cheering for the three new members of my council. I stood by George and Estelle who had come forward to stand by my side. We stood there clapping for them and I smiled happily.
"Let us celebrate with dancing and a feast which is customised for all our guests." I smiled to the vampires, wolves and faeries. "Tonight is a cause for celebration for all! Join me and my Council." I smiled to three and to my cousin, Robin and Chamania.

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