Chapter 46: No Name Place

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"Tomorrow is the day." Aeslin whispered as he stared at the moon. "Conri told me, that when the sun rises it'll be red. Well, as red as the sun can get."
"So it'll be a pink colour?" Chamania asked.
He shrugged. "I guess so."
I grinned. "We'll need our sleep then. Let's go." I tugged on Chamania's arm and we headed to our chambers. "How are you feeling?"
"Nervous." I whispered. "What if we are found out? What is they realise that they've been tricked and it'll only infuriate them? It's not as if I can see the future at the moment either."
"Why not?" She asked as we headed up the stairs.
I furrowed my brows. "Dying, it left me completely drained. I can barely use my elements as it is and foreseeing the future uses up allot more of my energy. It's so hard that I can't use either of them. Any of them."
"Oh darling. How's your hand healing up?" She asked.
I undid the bandage. It was starting to scab over now and turn pink of the parts that were not as burnt as the rest of it. Hopefully it wouldn't scar, it may sound shallow but that's exactly what I was thinking whenever I looked at my hand. "Better. But not completely healed. It may seem that I won't be able to go into battle without my elements."
Chamania shook her head. "That's not good. We need as much leverage as we can have over them."
"I know. I know. But Gardenia says if it doesn't heal now who knows how my elements could react to it. My hands are an important tool for when I use my elements. A weak Queen, is a weak Kingdom. And so early in my reign, I cannot have that." I explained to her.
We stopped in front of her door. "Well enough about the battle tomorrow. How are things between you and Tristan? Have you told him that you overheard him telling you that he loves you?" She had my best interest at heart and I loved her dearly for it but this was something Tristan and I needed to go through alone. But we were friends and I knew she would never leave me alone on such a matter. She never did with Conri and especially not with William, so I was not expecting her to do so with Tristan. Especially since the three of us were so close.
I shook my head. "Perhaps after the battle. Right now, I need to focus on my people."
"What if he doesn't make it?" She asked me.
I snapped my eyes up. "Please don't say that. I don't think I could go through with the thought of loosing Tristan. The thought of loosing any of you."
She gave me a sad smile. "That my darling, unfortunately is the sad truth of this all. Good night, I'll see you in the morning."
I nodded. "Good night sunflower."
We gave each other a cheek kiss and I continued onto my room. My chambers felt cold tonight and all I wanted was a nice fire to keep my warm. Unfortunately I was not gifted in the element of the flame so I would have to deal with it. If only I was, I could keep myself warm tonight.
"Gwen?" That sounded like Tristan.
I looked up in the vanity mirror to see him standing at my door. "Tristan."
"We need to talk." He left the door open and the Queen's Guard left knowing this would be a private matter.
Slowly I stood up from the vanity seat and faced him. "Well, you have cleared the my chambers, this must be a serious matter."
Tristan looked to me. "W-why did you say no to William?"
I couldn't look at him. This was such an embarrassing thing to say to him. To say that I thought I might just like him. That I may have feelings for him instead of William. Tristan may be my friend but could I speak to him of such a private matter to my heart. Perhaps I didn't like him and this was all my mind playing tricks on me.
"N-no reason." I mumbled.
"But you publicly announced that he would be your King? The Kingdom's King?" He asked.
"Not officially." I snapped, looking up to him.
My eyes found his and I was swimming in his dark eyes. There was no traces of the Dark Lord within him at the moment. He was completely and utterly Tristan. Tristan, my friend and the one person I lean towards to as much as I could and did quite allot. I searched his eyes and didn't have to search so much to find the love that I had never seen before. So, so much love that I had never seen before.
Perhaps, I was quite unobservant as many had claimed before. I looked away and looked through the windows instead. How is this possible? For him to love me so and I didn't think I did. Was I more of a monster than I thought myself to be? Perhaps I was. I was a freak of nature. More than one element and a seer rolled into one Pangaean.
"I'm scared."
He came closer and raised my hands into his. "What is the matter?"
I shook my head. "I - I am so scared."
"Scared of what?" He asked and pushed strands of hair away from my face. "Gwen, please tell me what it is that is scaring you?"
I shook my head and shook again and again. "N-no."
"Gwen, I want to help you." He whispered.
I drew in a rather shaky breath. "Tristan I - I heard w-what you said."
He furrowed his brows. "A-about what?"
"Your grace!" Ceslav entered the room and I jumped away from Tristan who swivelled his head towards him. "Hope's just had a vision. She knows where they are camping tonight."
"The Revolution." I reminded myself. "Gather the Council in the common room immediately."
Ceslav left once again.
I turned back to Tristan. "We need to go."
He nodded and I wiped my face as we headed down to the common room. Downstairs Armana was assisting Hope in drawing on what she saw. I sat down opposite them as the others dribbled in whilst Hope continued to draw. Chamania sat beside me whilst Tristan stood on my right leaning on lounge.
"They're in the East. I couldn't hear what they were saying for their attack, I don't think we'll know till the morning when they make up their minds. But I know where they are staying the night." She informed us. "It'll be a half a day's right. And in the night it'll take much longer. If we bring fire they'll see it from miles, they have the night guard's on duty."
Ambrogio entered the room. "What if the children of the night and I go? We can see in the dark, we'll be much faster and sneakier than any of the soldiers downstairs."
I smiled gratefully at him. "First we'll hear more of Hope's vision."
"She's not bringing us much hope now is she?" Ambrogio mumble from behind me.
Tristan turned slightly and I imagined him giving such a glare, it would've turned Ambrogio into stone.
"Easy lover boy." He spoke to Tristan.
That made me freeze and Tristan noticed it. Dammit, he was not to of noticed anything the matter with me. Not so close to the battle. This was going to be allot harder than I thought it would be. It shouldn't be hard, nothing has ever been so difficult between Tristan and I but this seemed to be awfully difficult.
"Here." Hope pushed the parchment close to me for the rest of us to see but it still needed to dry. "They are half days ride to the East. In a clearing, I believe it to be known as -"
"The No Name Place." I whispered. "They're in the valley."
Tristan and Chamania lent forward as we inspected the drawing. The three of us had been there last year with Charles and Cecily and the rest of the Nobles. We were on our way to the village for our gowns for the Tournament. This was defiantly it, I remember the image of the valley so amazingly since it was beautiful.
"If we leave before first light, we can make it before they leave. Half their things would still be packed. That way they would need to scramble and most of them would be dead before they even got their weapons." Tristan explained.
"Plus we would have the advantage of the surprise. Along with the high ground for us to see where they all are." Chamania finished.
I took in a deep breath. "This is good. This is really good. It means we loose less lives. I want to keep the causality numbers as low as possible."
"And what about the other side?" Ambrogio spoke softly standing by the fire. "What about their lives your grace?"
I couldn't look anyone in the eyes. This was difficult since the only time I had killed was to defend myself and now I was willing to risk the lives of the soldiers in the Queen's Army. But also ready to kill the enemy so easily. War was difficult and we all had to make sacrifices, but this was something I never thought I would have to say.
"We need to protect our side first. We'll worry about their lives later."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2020 ⏰

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