Chapter 31: Inter-Kingdom Affairs

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We arrived back to the Academy and went straight to the stables. I slid off and looked to the Queen's Guard and to the stable servants. "Please leave us for a moment."
They nodded their heads and who scurried off. My Queen's Guard positioned themselves outside and I turned to Tristan. He furrowed his brows confused for a moment.
I took a deep breath. "Thank you."
He nodded. "Of course, you are my Queen."
I shook my head. "No, back there I was a frightened little girl and you were there as my friend. A friend I have come to trust and I know could not live without."
He gave me a small smile. "Gwen," There it was. My name shortened and only he used. Chamania did too, but it was not as common or used in public. Unlike Tristan, who only ever referred to me as Gwen now. "you friend."
I nodded. "And I thank the gods everyday for the friendship they have blessed me. Tristan, what would I do without you?"
He smirked. "You would still be that frightened little servant I met. You would be unstable but I am your stability and I hope you do not forget that."
I grinned. "You would not let me Lord Stupid."
We walked out of the stables and towards the Academy. I turned to my Queen's Guard. "Shall we go to class?"
Burnhan sighed.
"I know you dislike class but I still have three years of classes." I giggled.
He sighed again. "I've already been through classes and graduated. Why am I cursed to do this again?"
I raised my brows. "Is this where you tell me more about the Seer community?" I asked quietly as we headed towards the Queen's Council Chambers and walked talking quietly.
"Not yet. Lessons will begin soon, your grace. Calm yourself." Ceslav answered for them.
I sighed. "I've been deprived of the Seer community all my life and you continue to do it. But I'm glad soon I will know."
Hope grinned. "It is exciting, I must say."
We entered the the Queen's Council Chambers and grabbed our bags and left once more. Classes were different to Tristan except for court and that was the first one I had with him.
"Good afternoon students, I assume you all had a wonderful morning. Now, we are nearing the end of the year and I must say I am pleased with your progress. All of you." He began to hand us our reports we had written for him. "The next phase of our studies will be Inter-kingdom affairs. As you all know there is a world outside of Pangaea."
I smiled, this was going to be amazing. This is what I needed to focus on. I knew of them and I had visited some with Abigail and William over the Summer Season. They were amazing, the culture, the history and the languages. William even tried teaching me some of the languages. A small blush crept up on my cheeks as the memories.
"You are blushing." Tristan whispered in my ear as the teacher continued on.
I shook my head. "Just something I thought of."
"Please, do share." He chuckled.
"Just something over the Summer Season with William." I replied.
Tristan tense up, I could see the muscles in his jaw locking. Slowly and discreetly I placed my hand on his to calm him. He took several deep breaths and finally gave me a small smile. I took back my hand but he held on to it and I let him. Tristan was there for me earlier and I wanted to be there for him.
"The Kingdom of Manzana, for example a Manzanian speaking Kingdom. One of the oldest, beautiful kingdoms. Raise your hand if you have gone to the Kingdom of Manzana?" He asked.
Few raised their hand. I looked around and saw Gardenia raising her hand. She gave me a quick wink and a smile.
"Wonderful. We are hoping before the end of the year we can commission a trip to a kingdom next year or during the Summer Season so it does not interrupt studies. With the permission of the Headmaster of course, who will organise it all." He grinned at all his students.
Everyone in the room was buzzing. A trip to a kingdom was difficult for a family. One had to be incredibly rich to afford a trip overseas also well connected. A trip to a new kingdom was normally for business or a voyage like the one we did during the Summer Season.
"Sir?" Someone asked.
We all turned in our seats so see whom was speaking. It was Robin.
"Yes?" He asked.
"Will this include all students? Including wolves, vampires and faeries?" He asked.
The professor had all eyes trained on him, especially mine. It was law for all species to once again be equal. To say no to Robin was going against my law. He gulped for a moment. It may be a law in Pangaea, but it was not law yet in all Kingdoms.
He took a deep breath. "I shall be honest with you soon to be Alpha. This may make me loose my job but I shall be honest, because you deserve honesty at the very least. It may not be."
I furrowed my brows and the professor registered my confusion and hurt.
"Our beloved new Queen," Everyone looked to me and I was frozen. "has made it law all over the Kingdom of Pangaea that every species be equal. She had freed the dwarves. But my pupil, this is not the case all over. Kingdoms are not equal. In the Kingdom of Manzana, faeries are treated like the sub-species. In the Kingdom of Verum, vampires are hunted. Whilst in the Kingdom of Zhanshi, wolves are forced to become warriors from the tender age of three. It is not a fair world out there. But in the Kingdom of Pangaea, we have peace amongst Kingdoms."
I turned back to all the students and everyone looked depleted. They looked upset and horrified. Especially the Wolves and the faeries. But also allot of the Pangaeans.
"Gwen, you are not Queen of the world, you cannot fix everyone's problems." Tristan squeezed my hand which was still in his.
I lowered my head and I felt a headache coming. It was not a premonition, it was the sadness I felt pouring out of all those around me. I felt empathy and I felt horrified, all at once. There was small fire of anger within me but reality hit that I could not fix everyone's problems as much I wished I could.
When I looked up I looked at the Professor who was staring me nervous. He was worried for his job and I gave him a small smile, mustering up everything I could. For a moment, he looked relaxed and reassured.
"We will do our best to include all students, but we look out for your safety first. As a staff we do not want blood on our hands and furious families burning down the Academy." He assured everyone and nodded to a student.
"Sir," They began and I looked behind me to see Astrid, Conri's partner speaking. "On behalf of everyone in this room, we thank you for considering our safety first."
He nodded. "Thank you Astrid."
Her eyes wandered and they landed on me, I gave her a small smile and she returned it. My eyes went to Conri beside her and so did hers. He wrapped his arm her and whispered into her ear. She giggled and blushed lightly.
It may have been months and I may be promised to William, but my heart still broke. I barely see them being sweet to each other around the Academy. Especially in front of their pack. But they were a team now. A partnership just like Queen Nahaya and King Robin. One I wished I had as well.
Did I have that with William?

The Beginning of The True Heir | Ongoingحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن