Chapter 9: Something or Someone

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I laid back on the picnic mat with William beside me. Slowly I traced my finger around his chest. His body radiating heat and I still cuddled up beside him.
"Will we call each other as much as we can? Through portals with witch magic and write to each other when we can." I smiled at him.
He looked down to me. "Every moment we have a chance." He kissed my forehead. "Do not forget me. But I do understand how hard it can get during the school year. Just write to me when you can."
I nodded. "After the Summer Season we had, I'm going to miss you; dearly."
He moved my hair lightly. "I miss you every time you leave my sight."
"Good luck in the Queen's Army and just remind people that you are courting with the one who owns the Queen's Army." I looked through my eyelashes to him.
He chuckled. "Alright." He removed hair from the middle of my face and placed his hand under my chin, giving me a small smile. "I have cherished every moment I possibly could over the Summer Season. I have been selfish and kept you to myself and taken you from Abigail. But," He sighed. "I do not regret a single moment because you, have given me every happiness. You are my happiness."
I blushed and kissed him, softly.
"Your grace." Someone called out.
I sighed, my lips still on his. Slowly and reluctantly I pulled away. "Yes?"
"Your grace, Lord Greyson is waiting for you in the meeting room. He is departing earlier than first organised." George rushed over to me.
With the help of William, I sat up on the picnic mat.
"When is he due to depart?" I asked.
"After your meeting." He answered.
I gasped and looked to William. "That's so quick. Chamania will need me."
William nodded. "Let's go."
He helped me to my feet and we hurried back to the palace. "I'll find my parents and see when they are leaving. Will I see you at dinner?"
I nodded. "Absolutely." I leant in and kissed his cheek before following George to the meeting room.
"Your grace," Armani came close beside me. I looked over to her and she wasn't looking at me while we were walking but to the others. Quickly I turned my head around but as I did they all turned away from me. "nothing."
"What is it?" I asked her.
"Nothing your grace." She stepped back into place.
"You want to tell me something and I want to know what it is now." I stated.
She shook her head. "I just wanted to tell you that you and William are sickeningly cute together."
I laughed.
She shrugged her shoulders and we continued to the meeting room. When we arrived Lord Greyson stood up, bowing to me. I sat in the seat beside him, facing him.
"Lord Greyson, there had been something I wanted to speak to you about." I spoke softly as the doors closed after me.
"Your grace?" He questioned me.
"There is something about you Lord Greyson. You have always been calm, supportive of me and..." I cocked my head. "and...."
Lord Greyson cocked his head at me. He furrowed his brow. "And?"
I shrugged my shoulders. "To be honest, I was hoping you would tell me."
He chuckled. "Let me tell you a...story." He smiled at me. "When I was a young boy, a young nine year old boy. I was exploring the palace, being a cheeky little boy I was I went into the Crown Room." He grinned. "The crown in place, in the middle of the room, on a pillar."
Just as I found it whilst I was cleaning.
"Being the naive, stupid little boy I was, I walked up to the pillar, but I did not hear the call of the crown. None of the Elite do, your grace. That is something King just said." He continued.
I furrowed my brows. "But why would the King lie?"
"To garner votes to be the monarch. It is what all Nobles say." He sighed. "Sadly, including me when I was younger."
I stared at my hands and I was fidgeting with them. "T-then..." I stopped myself and looked up to Lord Greyson. "Why tell me this story, milord?"
He leaned forward in his chair and smiled at me. A pure, true smile. "Because your majesty, I want you to remember, the time the crown called you. In the throne room with all the Elite surrounding you. How the crown flew of the King's head and landed by your feet behind your throne."
I remembered that moment. It was clear in my mind as the day my fate was sealed. No matter how hard I tried. It was always meant to happen.

That's when the King came back to the throne and and sat on it. And that is when I was doomed. I felt the same desire to touch the crown again. It was stronger than before as if the touch before was more than enough to tie me to if. Oh god! If I revealed myself now I would die for attempting to touch the crown. I could be crucified or hung or decapitated for going near the King as a servant.
I closed my eyes and willed the desire to go away. Slowly I slipped to the ground and took in deep breaths. Praying that it would stop calling me to it.
"The crown!" Someone shouted.
I opened my eyes and found it laying before me.
The King himself turned to find me kneeling before the crown. He stepped down from his throne and narrowed his eyes at me. Oh, I was dead.

He cleared his throat and leaned back in his seat still smiling at me. Like a father would a daughter. This, is how Chamania felt with having Lord Greyson as her father.
"From that moment." He nodded to me. "I knew, you were the True Heir. That the True Heir had returned to the Kingdom of Pangaea."
I gave him a small smile.
"But I also knew." He whispered softly. "That there had to be a reason for the return of the True Heir and it wouldn't be a good reason. I believed the True Heir had returned to save us all from something or someone."

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