Chapter 11: The Heart Of Equites Academy

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Upon arrival at Equites Academy for Pangaeans, all the students that were there already and watched me jump out of the carriage bowed to the ground. The highest form of respect to a monarch. I smiled at them all and slowly they stood when they realised I wasn't leaving yet. They watched as the other Nobles jumped out and left the front of the Academy.
"Abigail." I smiled at her as she jumped out and walked over to me. "How are you feeling?"
She yawned. "Wonderful. The carriage ride was quite long but...Gloria and Fredrick were quite kind to me during the ride."
I'm so glad she found them so kind. They were the kindest of the Nobles to me aside from Chamania and Tristan. Fredrick has always thought of me as a little sister, ever since the beginning. While Gloria recently turned a new leaf, since we went to the No Name Place. Hopefully someone else has found a friend within the Nobles.
I held her hands in mine. "That is good to hear."
She looked around and found her friends waiting for her by the entrance. "I must depart but I shall speak to you later. My friends are waiting for me."
I nodded. "Of course. Come seek me if you require anything. Anything."
She nodded. "I promise." Immediately she ran off and I waved her off.
When I turned to Tristan and Chamania, there was a huge grin on my face. "There is something I absolutely must show you."
I grabbed both their hands and hurried into the Academy. They were being dragged by me throughout the Academy. Some people were staring at us which I chose to ignore so I could lead them to my surprise.
"Gwen, where are we going?" Tristan asked me, he was so very impatient.
I giggled. "Oh somewhere. Somewhere." With a quick smile over my shoulder to him I looked forward again.
Together we made our way to the heart of the Academy. It would be our chambers, the Queen's Council chambers. A place of rest and a place for our meetings instead of being in public. We stopped at a floor length mirror where I could see our reflections looking back at us. Their eyes showed complete and utter confusion.
"Welcome to our new chambers my friends." I grinned so excited to show them.
"A-a mirror?" Chamania asked.
I laughed out loud. "Yes a mirror. A mirror is a doorway."
"A doorway?" She asked.
Tristan on my other side stayed silent just staring at the mirror. Cocking his head and questioning all.
I grinned. "Okay. Fine. I'll finally show you."
I cleared my throat and spoke the word "Subintroeo."
The glass mirror did nothing.
"What did that do?" Chamania asked.
I stepped close to the mirror and walked right through. Behind me I heard gasps from Chamania and Tristan. Immediately them came through the mirror and to our new chambers."
The common room was large with windows on both sides and the opposite wall. On the outside were mountains and forests but that was all magic, there was nothing on the outside. Inside there was a kitchen to one side, a sitting area on the other side with a fireplace and paintings surrounding it. There was one of me, Chamania and Tristan for now. We are the Queen's Council.
In the middle was one staircase that split off into two, for the males and females chambers. In there, there were only rooms now common room like the Nobles Chambers. This was the only common room since we were united. We are the Queen's Council.
At the top of the stair case before it split off into two, there was a huge archway that led into a large library. Almost as large as the Royal library in the palace.
But the greatest part of it was the ceiling. Made entirely of glass and the real, night sky. At night you be able to see the stars and the moon and the day, you could see the glorious sky.
"Look up." I whispered
Chamania in my ear gasped and I knew instantly she loved it.
"What do you think?" I whispered.
"It's incredible." Chamania whispered. "Where are we?"
I smiled happily. "The heart of Equites Academy is now home to The Queen Council Chambers."
Again another gasp from Chamania which only made me giggle. Tristan on my other side was quiet as usual. When I turned to face him, he was smiling at me. Grinning from ear to ear.
"This is so much more incredible than the Nobles Quarters." He chuckled.
I nodded. "Oh I know. But this is our new home and these will be the chambers for the rest of the Queen's Council. Headmaster Walter and I organised it over the Summer Season. He agreed we should have chambers for...private matters if they arise."
He nodded. "Incredible. Does anyone know about this?"
I shook my head. "No and they should not. The students will know that we have our own chambers but they will not know where. Also, I'd like the password to be kept a secret between only the The Queen's Council Members."
Tristan nodded. "Of course. What is the password again to enter?"
"Subintroeo. It means enter in Latin." I smiled happily. "It'll open to anyone who says that, that's why it's important to try and keep it a secret to where our chambers our."
Chamania nodded. "Of course. At the moment it's just the three of us so...we'll most defiantly keep it a secret. But once you allocate more of the councils'll be harder."
I nodded. "Oh I know. But we can try."
"This is amazing." He gasped happily. Still amazed by it all, I'm guessing. "But why the middle of Equites?"
I smiled to them happily, turning to face them both. "Because the heart, is the most important organ. The heart, is centre of everything. From the reason we live, the reason we die and the reason we love. And love my friends, is the most important emotion there is."

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