Chapter 3: Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

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"He's so beautiful Ariel." I whispered as I held baby Hemlock in my arms.
He had been born whilst we were away so this was the first time Abigail, William and I were seeing him.
"He'll be gorgeous just as your other children." I whispered and cooed at Hemlock. "He already is as gorgeous."
She sighed happily. "In a little while I'll be able to return to the Queen's Arm-" She looked to me happily. "Your Army."
I laughed lightly. "My Army. It is my army isn't it?" She laughed at me. "The Queen's Army. The Queen's Army."
She laughed. "Still getting your head around things?"
I nodded. "Oh most defiantly." I looked to the beautiful little baby. His eyes were already as golden as Williams. And his smile was as large was Abigail's. "Where are the others Ariel?"
"I'm not too sure. They're probably resting after the long journey you had. Which you should be to." She nudged me in the side.
I laughed at the thought of rest. "Now that I am back. I have the Queen's duties on my shoulders once again. There is no rest for me any longer."
Baby Hemlock started crying so I handed him back to Ariel and she cradled him in her arms. Happily and walked into the courtyard.
"Your grace." Estelle bounded over to me.
I smiled. "Estelle. How may I help you?"
She smiled. "Some very exciting news your grace."
"Mmmm?" I smiled.
She looked around then leaned forward. "Headmaster Walter sent a messenger bird. All the applications for Equites Academy of all creatures are done. They have all now been accepted into Equites Academy for Pangaeans."
I squealed. "Estelle that is amazing news! That hast most defiantly brightened my first day back to the kingdom."
"I am pleased your grace." She grinned. "Also, I'd like to mention something." I nodded. "Will you be keeping the name 'for Pangaeans' on the end of the name of the Academy."
I nodded. "Wholeheartedly. Because every creature is a Pangaean. Wether they are normal, a vampire, a werewolf, a dwarf, a mermaid or a fairy. Seelie or Unseelie. All Pangaeans."
She nodded. "Very good your grace. One final thing. Your chambers are ready. Would you like to see them?"
I looked to Estelle. "No." I whispered. "Not really."
She furrowed her brows. "What's the matter your grace?"
I stood up and we both went for a walk around the gardens. For a little while my chambers were delayed in being presented to me because they wanted to make sure every detail, was perfect. Now, they wanted to present them to me.
"When do you suppose would be the right time to tell people about my first Act as Queen?" I asked her.
"Whenever your grace." She shrugged.
I sighed. "No time like the present. Am I right?"
She nodded. "Yes your grace."
"Okay." I took in a deep breath. "Estelle have the Nobles come to the throne room with the Masters at sundown. I'll prepare for it now." I smiled as we walked back to the palace.
"Of course your grace." She smiled happily.
I headed back at my own pace as she hurried off. Slowly I made it to the North Wing. The Monarchs chambers.
Beside me were the Queen's Guard. Amarni and Ceslav opened the doors for me. Revealing my sitting room, which contained the cushioned seats, a fire place, a little table, paintings on the wall. Large windows on both sides to the balconies and gold curtains hung high. On the opposite wall was a set of double doors and I walked over to them. Inside were my bed chambers. The two side walls and the opposite wall were the balconies. Again hung with large gold curtains, that were so beautiful. On this walk was a large, four poster bed with a canopy. The canopy made of red and decorated in gold. Whilst the sheets were gold and decorated in red. Along with what seemed like hundreds and hundreds of pillows. On the other side of the bed were two sets of double doors. One led to a bath tub and the other was my closet of gowns.
I walked to the wall and opened the glass doors to the balcony and smelt the fresh air. When I turned around again I stared at the large bed. It was immensely large even for a Queen.
I felt, I had seen this bed before but I do not remember. For certain I had never entered the Monarchs chambers till now.
Oh my stars.
"Your grace, is something the matter?" Armani asked.
I looked up to the Queen's guard. "Do you promise to keep a secret?"
They looked to each other and nodded. "Of course you are our Queen." Ceslav reminded me.
"Ever since I could remember, I had nightmares" I shook my head. "nightmares of me dying. Of - of my lonely and terrible death." I spoke softly. "This - this bed. This is where I die." I cried and touched the bed.
This is the bed I die in. That's where I had seen the bed before. In my many, many years of nightmares. Every time I closed my eyes, this was where my dreams would take me. To the image of this room and to my death.
Hope touched the bed and her veins lit up along with her eyes going white. It was just for a moment and when she opened them looked me right in the eyes. "The Queen is right. This is her death bed."
I shook my head. "I - I cannot sleep on this bed."
"Another bed will not possibly be delivered in a quick time. Besides, wether you change the bed or not in this room. That is where you will die." Hope whispered.
I looked to her. "Your name is Hope. You are not bringing me much hope!" I shouted and groaned.
"There is nothing we can do change it. Until you come to the decision that will alter that future." Burhan informed me.
I looked over to him. "So a split second decision could possibly alter my life?"
He nodded. "Yes your grace."
I looked to the ceiling where the dream would normally come from. Now I was on the other end of that stick. "I wonder what decision that will be."
Decisions, decisions, decisions.
Clueless Nation Creators Note

Apologies everyone, this was the chapter that was meant to be published on Friday! Not chapter 5!

Hope you enjoy it!

Much love,

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