Chapter 18: The Past

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Chamania, Tristan and I had stowed away to a corner of the library before classes started in a little bit.
"He's right." Tristan shrugged.
I sighed. "He is always right."
"Than why are we sitting here stewing over this like Council men?" Chamania asked. "The better we are before the Revolution, the better of we are for the people and our families. I do not know about either of you but I wish to be able to protect my family as much as I can. If that means crushing my ego to build my walls higher, than I will."
"She's right." Tristan shrugged.
I sighed. "She is always right."
She simply glared at us. "The both of you need to grow up. We are soon to face a Revolution on the kingdom you are now Queen of Gwendolyn. How are you not frightened or worried?"
I chuckled. "Because my friend, I have faith and hope. Faith in us and hope for the future."
Hopefully a small welcoming smile appeared on my face and not a strange, maniac one. I hoped. Otherwise that whole speech would've just been taken in differently to what I had hoped. I prayed to the God's it worked right.
"Well," Chamania grabbed her satchel and took in a deep breath. "Queen Gwendolyn, I hope you are right."
She turned back around and walked out of the library. Her body becoming tinier and tinier was the last we saw of her. Until she was no longer in line of site. This moment became way more intense than I thought it would've.
"Are you alright?" Tristan placed his hand on my shoulder and gave it a light squeeze.
I nodded. "Yes, I'm just fine. A little frazzled but I'm okay. That was much too much for me for the first day of classes."
"Speaking of. We should head to one of those classes now." Tristan handed me my satchel and smiled. No Dark Lord facade, just Tristan.
I returned the smile. "We should."
Slowly we trailed after Chamania since we all now had the same class which was Politics, which I was not sure if it was with all the Nobles still or not. That I actually had not spoken to Headmaster Walter about.
Tristan and I entered the room, it was filled with many new faces across the fifth form since I was taking fifth year Politics. Just like most of my classes. Tristan led the way up the stairs to two seats beside Chamania and allowed me to sit beside her. The three of us sat there quietly as we waited for the Professor to enter.
So seeing Headmaster Walter enter was as much as a surprise to me as to everyone else in the class. "Good afternoon everyone." He smiled and stood in the middle of the room. "I trust you are all adjusting to the schedule well now that we have our returning night children with us once again."
Everyone slowly nodded and mumbled under their breaths.
"Wonderful! Now you are most likely wondering why you all have Politics in your class schedules, all students will have it now, 'tis because our new Monarch," Everyone turned to me. "has initiated the beginning of a new council as you have all heard over the broadcasts. Her Queen's Council which consists two of every species. You never know, you may be one of them. That is why everyone will be taking politics. You all have a chance to be on the Queen's Council and you need to be prepared for the challenges that will bring you." He smiled kindly. "I'll let you to your class."
Slowly he exited the room and entered our Professor. "Good afternoon class. Welcome to another year, your second last year."
Not for me, I still had three more years including this year. I loved taking classes the year above me. Hopefully it meant in my last year I would plenty more free hours to myself. I should probably speak to Headmaster about that.
The entire hour I droned out and as I was leaving the class I smiled to my Professor who nodded to me.
"Alright, I have Swords, I'll speak to you later." I smiled to them both and headed down to swords.
At swords I met with Abigail, she was grinning from ear to ear. "How are you doing?"
I chuckled. "Good, good. Long day already, but it's been good. Yours? I hardly see you around!"
She giggled. "That's because you're always running around doing a million one things. Even last year before you were Queen. It's like you have more important things to do than school work."
I laughed and suddenly felt a headache beating. My head was pounding! I turned away from Abigail who was concerned for me and faced my Queen's Guard, they rushed towards me.
Hope looked me in the eyes and furrowed her brows, speaking softly. "She's having a vision."
"But I don't get headaches when I have a vision." I grunted.
She nodded. "This isn't a normal vision. This is a premonition."
"The past?" Burhan asked.
Hope nodded.
Armani furrowed her brows. "That hasn't been done in years. Centuries even."
Ceslav looked around and I was still crying in pain, my head was pounding. "She needs to have the vision. Now. Your Grace, we'll return you to the Queen's Council Chambers immediately."
Burhan carried me bridal style and I kept my face out of everyone's line of sight. Thankfully pretty much everyone was in class by now, so there was barely a soul who saw us. Once there they set me on the closest couch. I paid on my back staring at the ceiling, my head still ready to burst into pieces.
Slowly my eyes felt funny and I could feel them moving.
"Her eyes are rolling back. That's a sure sign of a premonition." Hope stated. "I had a inkling it was a premonition before but it is now true with the evidence."

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