Chapter 7: My Mother is Coming to Kill Me

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"What do we know about the Revolution?" I asked Estelle, George, Tristan and Chamania. Along with my Queen's guard. We all sat around a round table together. All of us sat in a large room with only a large round table and chairs.
"Nothing." George replied.
Ceslav sighed. "As much as we try, we cannot seem to see the future about this Revolution."
"Perhaps there are so many possibilities because everyone will be making last second decisions." Chamania noted.
I leaned back in the chair and nodded. Possibly.
Tristan sighed. "Has Merek said anything else? If that even is Merek."
"That is Merek, Tristan. I can see that, that is Merek in his eyes." I pressed.
Tristan looked over to me. "Then who was it before?"
I shrugged. "I do not know. Someone who is not Merek."
"How is that even possible?" He asked me and I shrugged my shoulders again. "And how come you have not released him from the dungeons?"
I sighed. "Merek and I spoke about this. We need everyone to stay calm during this time. To do that, they cannot be informed of the Revolution. Or think that I'm letting Merek go because he is a Noble. He needs to stay there to keep up appearances."
Estelle nodded. "George and I have been overseeing him and he is being treated well and fed more than enough."
I nodded thankful to both of them. They truly did serve the crown with their hearts of gold.
"How can you be so relaxed about Merek saying he is once again Merek?" Tristan asked, specifically me. "He could be lying."
I sighed and told them what Merek had only told me. "Merek said that his body was inhibited but something else. He was not in control of his body, his actions and words were not his. But his mind was still his, saying that he had control of his thoughts. He was completely awake but not in control."
George furrowed his brows. "I have read about something like that. But I will read up on it again for more information."
I smiled at him. "Thank you George. Return to me as soon as you can."
There was momentarily silence as everyone was deep in their thoughts. All trying to process what is happening to the Kingdom.
"What we need is for a vision to know when the Revolution is coming." Chamania stated.
Tristan sighed. "But we also need to know what is coming for us. We can be prepared for the Revolution but we might'nt be completely prepared for what is in the Revolution."
I looked Tristan who had his Dark Lord facade on. He was not at all completely interest in this conversation. How could I possibly place him on my Council?
"Tristan is right." Ceslav nodded to him. "The Queen's Guard and I have been trained in military art and that is something we need to know."
I turned to Ceslav. "How do you suppose we do this then?"
Burhan sighed. "We will get in contact with the village."
My eyes widened. "Y-your village? The seers village?" He nodded slowly. "I-is there any possible way I could go there. And meet them?"
They all looked to each other.
"Possibly." Armani nodded to me.
Meeting the rest of the seers. The seers. Those who were like. Gifted in sight for the future. I could possibly be meeting them.
"Perhaps next summer season your grace." Estelle stated looking at her parchment and book.
I nodded. "Yes, book that in for now Estelle. It may change though."
She nodded and started writing with her quill.
"Back to the Revolution." Chamania brought us back on track.
I nodded. "Yes."
"Are there enough knights and warriors in the Queen's Army for this revolution?" She asked.
I stared at the table. "No. With the battle at the end of the school year, we lost many lives in the sixth year. Many who have not made it to the Queen's Army this year. It will take some time before more numbers will join."
"Oh." She whispered.
I nodded. "But I will try and bring knights in. With the new applicants this year from the other creatures they will rise. We will have witches hopefully one day, vampires, werewolves, Faeries and mermaids on our side." I smiled happily.
Chamania grinned. "Then we shall be set for the Revolution."
I nodded in complete agreement.
"Has Merek said anything else about your mother?" Ceslav asked.
For a moment I was frozen as I looked over to him. My body was in complete shock, I was frightened and nervous all at the same time. I had been trying to avoid the topic of my mother in this meeting. But it had to resurface at some point.
"N-n-no." I mumbled. "Nothing else."
Last years encounter came clearly back to my mind. Frightening me all over again.

"Open the bars." I kept my eyes on Merek.
"No. Your grace. You cannot open it." Burhan stated. "If you do, let me go in."
I shook my head. "No, I'm going in. I need to see who it is in there."
"It's Merek." Tristan questioned. "Who else would it be?"
The guards opened the bars and let me slide in with Tristan by my side. Slowly with shaking hands I bent down to Merek who was still frozen. When I laid my hand on his shoulder, he finally moved. He looked up to me and there it was. There was someone I remember, someone I hadn't seen in so long.
"Merek." I gasped.
His eyes welled up and tears flowed out into lakes by our feet. "She's coming for you. She's coming to kill you."
I was almost too afraid to ask, but I needed to. I needed confirmation from another person.
"Who?" I asked clearly.
"Your mother."

"So all we know," Tristan's voice bringing me back to the present day. "is that Gwen's mother is coming to kill her."
Again my entire body shook with fear.
"We'll need to protect her more than ever. It is obvious her mother plays a much bigger roll than we thought in her future." He continued on.
My mother was coming to kill me.
How...loving of her. After 21 years of not being present in my life, abandoning me she was coming to kill me.
But why?
What happened?

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