Chapter 14: Welcome Back

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"So that is the secret you were harbouring. Why did you not speak of it to either of sky's Gwen?" Tristan asked.
I sat on one of the lounges and flopped myself all over it. "T'was not mine to share."
"Yes it was." Chamania sat on the opposite lounge to me and nodded. "You were or still are both their mates. It was the first time in Pangaean and Wolf history that the two species were mates.'re not."
Tristan paced across the fire place. "Now we must research why this happened."
Chamania laughed. "A new mystery that has surfaced in your life Gwendolyn."
I rolled my eyes with a smile on my face. "What a surprise."
She only laughed at me as she plucked a piece of fruit from the fruit bowl in the kitchen. It was nice to have our own private chambers and not have to worry about the other Nobles in the Noble Quarters.
"How do you suppose the others are going?" I asked them.
Tristan looked up from pacing. "Why would you ask that?"
I shrugged. "It must be difficult for them after what I announced the other day."
"Yes, but they are still Nobles with wealth and a title." Chamania sat back down with us. "You let all the Nobles, including our families off the hook quite well. You know that right?"
I shook my head. "Still, to no longer be pretty much running the kingdom. That ought to be quite difficult for them. They had so much power and I took that away from them in a blink of an eye. Their entire lives, turned upside down."
Tristan raised a brow. "But it was for the better."
I let out a deep breath, feeling everything all of a sudden. It felt absolutely disastrous.
The mirror appeared in the entrance way and Headmaster Walter came through a smile on his face. "Good afternoon everyone."
"Headmaster Walter." We all spoke softly and stood up to greet him.
"Are you settling in well?" He asked and came to sit on the single seat sofa.
"Yes, thank you again for all your efforts over the Summer Season, Headmaster." I smiled and nodded grateful to him.
He smiled. "It was all you, your grace. I am so glad you are finally seated on the throne and the crown, is again on the True Heirs head."
I looked over to Chamania, she arched a brow at me, and to the Queen's Guard who were discussing something. Headmaster Walter simply smiled at us happily.
"Anywho, I came in to not only to check up on you three; which it looks like you are settling in quite well. But to also inform you of the vampires arrival. Which should be momentarily since the sun is just about to go to sleep behind the horizon." He slowly stood up, his age finally catching up to him.
I followed his lead and so did the others. "How was your summer Headmaster? Other than personally going through every application for this year and also organising the new Queen's Council Chambers. What did you do?"
Slowly we made our way back to the entrance after having just been there a little over an hour or so ago.
"I went to visit my family. It was quiet and amazing to visit family when I have hardly time for that especially during the school year." He smiled kindly at me.
"Have you once thought of stepping down Headmaster?" Tristan asked.
He chuckled. "Possibly in a couple of years but I had no intentions to do so in the next three years till the Elite Ci- apologies. Till the Queen's Council have graduated. You will be my first Council." Headmaster smiled with sparkle in his eyes. "It is truly an exciting time." He looked right at me and smiled. "You truly are the change."
My eyes snapped up and I laughed port right at him. "Sorry?"
"The sun is setting." Tristan interrupted or more whispered to himself and I snapped my eyes up towards him.
"Are they coming?" Chamania asked.
Some of the student body had returned including the faeries and most defiantly the vampires. Conri was leading the pack with Robin right behind him. As if both of them could sense me they turned around and winked at me. I rolled my eyes at them and their twin moment. They only chucked and turned their attention back to the approaching vampires.
Leading the vampires, was the one and only Ambrogio. His eyes were immediately on me and in a blink of an eye, death stood before me.
"Welcome back." I let out a small breath.
Without thinking and remembering that everyone else was around us I wrapped my arms around him and hugged my friend, who I had missed, so much. I knew immediately what I had to do, which I would speak to him later about.
"It's good to see you well, your grace." We let go of each other and he was smiling at me, happily as if life had been breathed back into him. "You are looking as radiant as ever."
I blushed. "My friend how I have missed you so."
He only grinned, there was mischief in his eyes and I arched a brow.
"How have you been?" I spoke softly.
"Well. I can tell you everything during dinner since you do still owe me dinner after standing me up...twice." He chuckled.
I blushed profusely. "Very well. There is something I need to ask of you which can be saved for dinner."
"Dinner after years and already asking me for a favour." He raised his brows and laughed at me and I narrowed my eyes at him playfully. "Very well."
"Come to the Queen's Council Chambers." I smiled happily and handed him the map and leant forward towards his ear. "Subintreo."
His stood buck and smiled. "Latin. I never knew her grace knew Latin."
I laughed. "That my friend, is the only word I know in Latin unfortunately."

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