Chapter 34: We Must Have Faith

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"Are you comfortable?" I asked William as I made sure the blanket was high enough.
He chuckled. "Gwendolyn, I was only punched in the face not any other part of my body."
"But you flew almost ten metres! That is a long way to be flying when you were 'only' punched in the jaw! And he was a Mermaid, William!" I sat on the edge of the bed and he placed his hand in mine. "I knew publicly announcing our courtship would mean you were my Achilles heel. William, I cannot loose you. Not now and not ever. Please, please know that!"
He gave me a soft smile and raised my hand. My left hand went towards his bruised and cut lip, he gave it a soft butterfly kiss. "I am not your Achilles heel, my love. If anything, I will stand by your side and make you stronger."
I gave him a small smile. "Rest, I'll speak to you tomorrow."
He nodded and drank whatever was in that mug from the healers for him to sleep. I leant forward and kissed his forward before stepping out the door. Outside my Queen's Guard held Sultan by the arms so he could not escape. He struggled against them even with all his strength, but they were anticipating his movements and blocked them whenever need be.
"Release him." I commanded quietly.
"But he attacked the future King." Ceslav growled.
I nodded. "Yes I know. But William is healing, he cannot hurt him anymore."
Ceslav growled. "Injure the Queen and it will be the last thing you do."
"Ceslav." I warned him. He gave Sultan one last death stare. "Please, release him."
They did so and he stood facing me. "We need to talk, privately."
"Whatever you need to say to me, you may say to my Queen's Guard. The best way for them to protect me is to know everything about me." I explained to him.
He grunted. "Fine. Then tell me. How are mates with two wolves and a mermaid? You are my soulmate Gwendolyn. The necklace glowed."
"Yes, and I also thought I was mates with two werewolves but look how that turned out. I am neither their mates, they found their true mates." I rushed out.
"Then why did the necklace glow?" He asked.
I shrugged. "Sultan, I have been asking questions about my life for over three years now. But I found out the reason and in due time so will you."
It's because you are a part of my council. You are one I will trust, but if tell him now it may change the course of the future. This needed to happen itself, not because I had a vision. He needed to earn my trust and I needed to earn his.
He chuckled and shook his head. "So you are in love with him?"
I looked to the closed door behind me and back to Sultan. "Yes, I think so. I sure should hope so since he is my betrothed."
Sultan furrowed his brows completely confused. "I do not comprehend. You think you are in love with him?"
I shrugged my shoulders and we began to walk out of the healers wing. "We bonded over the Summer Season, but it has been harder to keep that bond now that we are apart. There are ladies in the Army with him. Who's to say he won't fall in love with any of them? There are ladies much fairer, more beautiful and so much more intelligent than I am. How can I even think I compare to them?"
"Because you are Gwendolyn Cashile. Descendant of Queen Nahaya." He answered.
I blushed deeply. "'Tis not enough just to be a descendant of the last true Queen. She made her mark on the world, now it's my turn. I don't want to be known in my reign as the descendant of Queen Nahaya."
He nodded understanding. "I apologise again for punching William. It was just in the moment."
I nodded. "Words spoken in the heat of anger are not meant. The same goes for actions."
Sultan took a deep breath. "Tomorrow is a brand new day."
"Good night your highness." I spoke softly and let him be, going in the direction of the Queen's Council Chambers.
On my way, I stared at a painting of Queen Nahaya. She was gorgeous and I couldn't but help but notice the similarities between her and me. Her eyes and my eyes. My nose and her nose. The similarities were uncanny. It sent a shiver down my spine and it scared me. No. It didn't scare me, more it confused me. What am I suppose to think?
I let out a deep breath and continued to the Queen's Council Chambers. On the way I felt a cold shiver down my body. A strong chill. It had been a while since I felt this strong chill. Not since my first year here, but I remembered it and it was not one you forgot easily.
"Did you feel that?" I asked my Queen's Guard, they all shook their heads. Of course they did. "It was a strong chill." I whispered.
"No, sorry your grace." Ceslav shook his head.
I let out a deep breath and continued on until we were inside. Everyone was inside, Chamania and Ambrogio were sat around the fire reading. Conri and Robin were in the kitchen cooking and eating at the same time. Aeslin and Gardenia were on the balcony looking at the stars. The only one missing was Tristan.
"Where is Tristan?" I asked Chamania.
She shrugged. "Last I heard, he was in the library."
"Do not bother Gwendolyn. Tristan hasn't looked up when any of us go in there." Ambrogio spoke softly.
I headed towards the library and immediately came to a wall of books. In the middle was Tristan, he had surrounded himself with books. He slowly looked up to see me standing there, looking a little confused. Tristan looked exhausted and a little brain dead as well.
"Gwen." He gave a small smile.
I knelt down to sit opposite him. "You are still working?"
He nodded. "Of course. My Queen is having troubles, I cannot let her fend for herself."
"But I cannot also have one of my council members be so tired he is not ready for the big fight." I placed my hand on the book and slowly pulled it away from him. "Rest Tristan."
"That is what I normally say to you." He chuckled.
I grinned. "What are friends for?"
"Everyone come look!" Gardenia called out.
Tristan and I hurried down the stairs and out the balcony where everyone else was already. She was pointing up to the sky. A shooting star was going across the sky past the Alpha constellation. It was beautiful, one of the first ones I had seen in a long time.
"Everyone make a wish." Ambrogio whispered.
"Does that even work?" Aeslin asked.
Gardenia sighed happily. "We must have faith."
Faith, I thought. We all must have faith. Especially in the coming days we would need it more than ever and that, that frightened me to the core.
I closed my eyes, a small smile on my face and made a wish. It felt like someone had their eyes on me, but for a moment it was just me making a wish and having faith in a single shooting star.

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