Chapter 10: Whole and Functioning

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The next morning, all the Master had woken early for our journey to Equites Academy. Slowly the Masters piled into the palace carriages, looking exhausted and some with puffy eyes after having to say goodbye to their parents last night.
I stood by the carriages with William who was already in uniform for his return to the Queen's Army. He had used all his leave for the Summer Season to chaperone Abigail and I. Speaking of Abigail.
"Where's Abigail?" I asked.
William pointed into one of the carriages. I looked inside and Abigail was there already sleeping. Again. "My sister. What a majestic creature."
I chuckled and turned to Estelle and George, who were eagerly waiting my command. "Okay, I've put you both in charge and told everyone to listen to you. Both." I cleared that up. "Now, the Montreal's may stay as long as they please but I believe they are all returning to the Queen's Army at midday. No Nobles are to step foot in the palace without my knowledge. Guests are to have approval from me before staying the night or entering the palace." I smiled at them both. "And promise me, that you will both keep safe?"
They nodded wholeheartedly. "Of course your grace."
I smiled and turned to William. "Be safe. Please. I would like to see you again, whole and functioning."
He laughed. "Of course my love." He placed his finger under my chin. "Just enjoy the year. I do not wish for you to suffer. I'll try and come for the Tournament."
I nodded. "And I will count down the days."
Softly he placed his lips on mine and immediately I missed back. Enjoying the moment before I would have to tear away from him.
"A room would be better than in plain sight of everyone." Chamania pretended to choke as she passed is to the carriages. "Please."
Behind her Tristan didn't say anything. He only stared at us before entering an empty carriage.
I grinned to William. "Till our paths cross again my love."
He nodded but I could see the sadness in his eyes. "Till our paths cross again my queen." He placed his lips on my forehead which lingered momentarily.
It was heartbreaking having to leave him, back to the Army. The Queen's Army. My Army. He was leaving me for work and I was returning to studies. What kind of cruel world did we live in?
This goodbye was torture and it was making it harder for me to leave. Every second I was here, the more I wanted to stay. The it seemed easier to stay rather than go back and study. Who needed to be a knight anyway, now that I was Queen? It would be so much easier for me to stay and to wed William and to be with him. We could King and Queen rather than separated this year.
"Now go." He whispered as he looked into my eyes. "Before I keep you here."
I pulled myself away and stepped into the carriage with Chamania and Tristan. Slowly we pulled away and I waved to William as his figure became smaller and smaller. My heart with him.
Outside the carriages my Queen's guard were on horseback guarding the carriage. They looked like they were on high alert.
"So, what is there left to figure out in your highly complicated life Gwen?" Chamania asked.
I laughed at her. "Well, let's begin with the painting that we have yet to figure out." I brought the painting out from my sack. "We've figure out that I'm a seer and I sort of know how to use my visions. Along with water and air." I smiled. "Um..we're trying to figure out why mother is coming to kill me."
Chamania pointed her finger at me. "Yes. That is incredibly important."
I nodded. "Absolutely."
"We have our work cut out for us." Tristan sighed looking exhausted.
"Tristan are you alright?" I asked him and he nodded. "You don't look alright."
He sighed. "I've just been reading every possible book there is in the Royal library."
"Why in Pangaea would you be doing that for?" Chamania asked.
"For Merek." He answered.
I was frozen in my seat. He believed me. He actually believed me when I said Merek was Merek. Tristan trusted me.
"What about Merek?" Chamania asked.
"He said that he was there but something took over his body. There's only one answer and I was reading to back my claim." He spoke softly and I wondered why. "There was talk in the nearby villages that...ghosts were around."
I looked to Tristan, was he being serious? Ghosts. Out of all things ghosts. He had to be joking. Only a court jester would be making that kind of joke. No Tristan.
"Haha!" Chamania bursted out into laughter, her face was turning bright red. "Tristan, oh my gosh. Tristan you crack me up my friend. Ghosts. You believe that a ghost was in Merek's body. Hahaha." She could not contain her laughter.
Tristan shook his head. "Child." He mumbled at her and stared out the window.
"Oh come now Tristan." She tried to contain herself. "Do not be such a little princess." She wiped the tears away.
I rolled my eyes at both of them. Good lord love them both. "Hey, I am a princess. Is being a princess meant to be a bad thing?"
Tristan laughed. "Yes. Besides you are not a princess you Queen. There is a difference...princess."
I narrowed my eyes at him. "Did you just use princess as a term of endearment? After Chamania used it as an insult!"
Chamania laughed. "Wow. I never would have thought princess could be used it in both ways. Now, I will use it more often."
I sighed and rolled my eyes. But there was a huge smile on my face.
Perhaps this year would not be as horrible as I thought it would be. Perhaps this would be amazing with my two best friends by my side.

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