Chapter 25: Represent the Wolves

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Tristan was once again sleeping by Aeslin's side. He hadn't left him in the days he'd been here, only to go to the bathroom. Which was apparently rare since he didn't want Aeslin to be alone. It made my heart full to see someone so committed to the promise they made.
"Gwen, he'll be alright." Chamania smiled beside me.
I nodded. My heart still breaking.
"They both will be." She whispered and placed her arm around. "And we know Tristan, he will look after him."
We both turned around and walked back into the Academy. The Tournament had now been completed. William had once again left and I was saddened by his departure. Everyone was, the gorgeous Knights in shining armours had left.
"Your Grace." Someone came up and bowed to me.
I looked over to them and smiled happily to the faerie princess. "Princess Gardenia, how are you?"
"Wonderful and your Grace?" She asked.
I nodded. "Good."
"Is Your Grace ill?" She asked, as we had just come from the Healers wing.
"No, no. Not at all. I was just visiting a friend of mine who is in the healers wing and since we do not have an witches here, he cannot be healed immediately. Only through medicine from the healers, but they are doing a swell job." I smiled kindly to her.
Gardenia smiled. "I'm happy to help. Faeries do allot of healing as well. We use the forests and jungles though along with our magic."
I smiled gratefully. "Thank you Gardenia."
There was a soft bell that chimed around the Academy, a familiar sound which I had grown fond of now.
"We'll see you after classes." Chamania smiled and we began our way to classes.
All afternoon, I could not take my mind of Aeslin so immediately after classes I made my way to the Healers wing. Rushing over there the moment the bell went off. I pushed open the door and immediately gasped. He was sitting up right and talking to Gardenia.
"Aeslin!" I gasped and wrapped my arms around him, squeezing tightly.
"Ow, ow, ow." He gasped.
I grinned at him. "Aeslin, I am so glad to see you! Breathing and - and your eyes are open!" I squealed.
He grinned at me happily. "It is good to see you cou-" His eyes flickered to Gardenia then back to me.
I grinned. "This is Gardenia, she healed you."
"Yes, I gathered that from talking to her before you barged in." He chuckled and winced in pain.
My grin faltered. "What happened Aeslin?"
He sighed and I saw his eyes drooping. "Perhaps it could be told another time?"
I nodded, respecting his wishes.
A small smile played on his lips, hand intertwined with mine as he fell calmly to sleep. His breathing got heavier and quickly he fell into a deep sleep. I smiled and lent in to plant a small kiss on his forehead. Gardenia and I left my cousin to sleep. Outside, I gave Gardenia a tight hug.
"Thank you for...for saving my friend." I smiled, forcing the lie out of my mouth. "How could I possibly ever repay you?"
She smiled happily. "No need your grace."
I shook my head. "But I must. He is very, so incredibly dear to me and for you to have done such a honourable thing, I must."
Her smile beamed. "Your Grace, it was simply the right thing to do."
"Yes, but you didn't have to and you did. As Queen I insist I repay you." I begged her. It may not of been a Queenly thing to beg but I did.
She smiled. "Perhaps, you will save my people as you did the dwarves."
I furrowed my brows. "Whatever do you mean?"
Her brow rose. "Your Grace, 'tis not only the dwarves who are suffering but more out there as well."
My eyes widened as she curtsied to me and left to be with her friends. I stood there gobsmacked.
It may have been hours or mere moments I stood there completely blanked but the next the I knew, Conri and Robin were making their way towards me.
"Your Grace." They bowed.
I smiled at them, happily. "Gentlemen, what are you in here for?"
Knowing the piece of knowledge about the future made me excited about it. They didn't know but I was excited. Absolutely excited for what the future held for us. That's when something clicked inside my head. But I had to wait to find Tristan so I could tell him. For now I wanted to address something with Conri and Robin.
"Gwendolyn, are you alright?" Conri asked me.
I nodded happily. "Yes, of course. But there is something I would like to speak to you both about."
They looked to each other, then to me.
"What is it?" Robin asked.
"My Council is slowly filling up. But I am seeking one from each species at the moment. After my coronation and the possibly the end of the Revolution, I will announce the second of every species. But I would like you, both to be on my Council." I grinned and they both beamed at me. It was an amazing moment. "For now, one will be announced and the second later. But I would still like you both to be on my Council advising me." I let out a deep breath. "Since I met Conri first, I would like you to be announced first."
Robin wrapped his arm around Conri and grinned. "Take it my friend, you deserve it."
I smiled widely. "Conri, I would like you to be on the Queen's Council to represent the Wolves and aid me in my reign."
He looked baffled. His eyes were wide with shock but so much pride.
"One day you will be in the Alpha Constellation amongst the greatest and I hope I can assist you to be there and make your father proud." I spoke softly and took his hands in mine. "Will you accept my proposition?"
For a heartbeat I thought he would reject me just as in our past. But he did something I never thought he would do to me. He bowed, to the ground and place his head on the ground for a moment. Slowly he raised it and smiled at me.
"It would be my greatest honour to serve the True Heir of Pangaea in bringing peace and prosperity to the Kingdom of Pangea."

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