Chapter 40: Blood Moon

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We invited the Vampire Council back to our chambers. There we sat around the dining table, had supper and spoke of the circumstances of the vampires. It pleased me to know we were all comfortable around each other, one day I hoped the same would be for everyone else in the kingdom. The thought I may be the turning point in history still frightened me, but there was a sense of pride sparking inside of me. That I could at least rid my kingdom of hate and judgement.
"Where did you get this your grace?" Amelia asked, the female vampire council member asked.
I looked up and she was staring at the painting of myself. The one I knew I had never posed for in my life but it had been painted of me. My eyes went over to Tristan and he had straightened in his seat, just as much as me. So we're Chamania and Aeslin, the only other two who knew about this.
"This painting." She whispered and looked over to me. "Is of you. But," She furrowed her brows. "I have seen this on many a walls in the past. H-how? Every inch of this painting is the exact features of yourself."
I looked around and it was only Tristan, her and myself in the library of the Queen's Council Chambers. "It - It -"
"The truth, Amelia, is we have no idea. We'd like to know as much as you do." Tristan answered for me and came to stand beside me.
Amelia gave a small smile. "You know, I have learnt allot in my life. One of the biggest lessons I've learnt is that, you should never ignore what is right in front of you." She winked at me. "Trust me child, it's not the way to go."
I didn't understand what she was trying to say to me. Why would she say something like that to me? Was there something I wasn't seeing that was right in front of me? Or something I needed to see that was right in front of me.
Amelia, is a vampire and not only that she was an old vampire. She was obviously quite old since she was on the Council. But she's also cunning, intelligent and strong since she was on the Council. To be a leader of the vampires you need to be all those things plus more. Vampires didn't care about time, they cared about power.
She held the painting in her hands and rolled it up. "I shall delve into this deeper for you, your grace. I'm sure there should be something in my memory or the history books, that will tell us something about it." She smiled and walked close to me.
"Thank you Amelia that would be much appreciated." I smiled.
She nodded. "Of course. We, vampires have pledged ourselves to thee, and thus we will follow."
Corniel and Cornelius entered the library and flanked Amelia on either side of her. They nodded to me and Tristan. "We thank you for your hospitality but we must flee if we wish to make it back before first light."
Amelia cocked her head. "Very true." She looked to me and gave me a small smile. "Take in what I have said your grace."
We gave each other a cheek kiss and I did the same for Corniel and Cornelius. I smiled to them and they said goodbye to the rest of the Council. Smiling happily and stepped through the glass mirror. It was good having them here, I'm glad the vampires had honest leaders. They were going to come in handy when the Revolution finally arrived.
I smiled to Tristan and smiled to me. "This was a success. The secret of water elementals is and forever more will be safe. Now, discussion of the Revolution is needed." I turned to me Queen's Guard and nodded to them. They pulled out parchments from within their clothing. Parchments that Aeslin and I filled on what he could tell me that he thought was important for the Revolution.
"Aeslin and I had a conversation, about The Revolution. Unfortunately he does not know much." I stated
"Whatever not? He was there for two? Three years?" Conri asked.
Aeslin nodded. "Yes, but I was in the training camps. Not in with the soldiers or - or the leaders. Or any of them. I was a lowly witch, all they cared about was making the rest of us their pawns and soldiers. To them, whoever them is, we're just lives that they can spare."
Gardenia gasped, whilst everyone stared at him. He looked so broken, as if he were living those moments again. It frightened me to the core to think he was somewhere where his life was so easily disposed of. That a precious life, meant nothing to their leaders. I shook my head and placed my finger on my lips, ready to let the tears stream but I didn't. Not in front of everyone.
"Lives should be looked after." I sat down with my Council next to Aeslin. "Aeslin did tell me something though. Something that struck a chord with me."
"They want to destroy Pangaea and rebuild a new kingdom." He explained to everyone. "They want to destroy every home, every being and every life. Who ever is in charge of this Revolution wants build a kingdom where everyone who is not on their side, to be a slave."
I let out a few breath. "I have just abolished slavery and they want to bring it back."
"And not just for the dwarves, for everyone who does not have themselves branded by the leaders." He spoke softly.
And what is this mark?" Gardenia asked holding on to Chamania.
Aeslin shrugged. "I know not of."
"We'll stop them." Tristan whispered. "Whatever it takes."
I nodded, thanking him. When I looked into Tristan's eyes, I felt slightly more comfortable being here with everyone. It felt better, as if the world was less dreary than I thought. He was my light, my beacon of hope.
"How?" Conri asked. "If we're going to stop them, how are we going to do so?"
"We can't just wait around for an attack." Robin continued. "My pack is in danger and so is my mate. I can't risk their lives."
"And I cannot risk the lives of my people." I snapped. "None of us can risk the lives of those we love. But at the moment the only thing we can do is have the best defence."
"I did overhear something, once though but I am not sure if it is true." Aeslin shrugged.
I looked over to him, as I never heard him say this before. He didn't mention this in our meeting when I pretty much interrogated him all about the Revolution and what they were doing. But he never said about overhearing anything before. Why would he keep such a thing a secret from me?
"Aeslin?" I whispered.
He looked to me, terrified. "I - I didn't know if it was anything to mention but I overheard that they were planning the first frontal attack on a Blood Moon."
Conri went rigid and everyone turned to him. Robin sunk his head down low to between his legs. Both boys looked sullen and everyone was mystified. They knew something that the rest of us didn't know.
"Conri?" I whispered.
He looked to me and to everyone in the room. "A Blood Moon happens, once a decade. It's when the moon turns red."
"And wolves are at their weakest." Robin finished. "Wolve's can't shift for an entire day and night. Instead we stay in our weakest form and we're also incredibly sick and weak. We can hardly move. It's the worst day of our lives. But there is nothing we can do about it."
"Who else knows this?" I whispered.
"No one. Not a creature outside the race of wolves. It's our darkest secret because we don't want anyone preying on us. Normally wolves go into hiding with their packs. It's so no one is attacked and killed." Conri informed us. "The Blood Moon Pack and The Sun Warriors will be going into hiding together this year. We'll be gone for a week so we can prepare. But the other wolves will be going with their packs as well."
"We're sorry for not telling you but it's a wolves secret. We can't be blabbering about it to anyone incase anyone wants to kill us." Robin shrugged.
I looked to the both boys. "Of course. But when is this Blood Moon happening?"
"We leave in a week." Conri whispered, his eyes full of regret and pain. This was hurting him as much as it was hurting me.
His people would be safe. His pack and family would be safe. But mine.
Mine, were in danger.

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