Chapter 26: Revolution

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It was late at night now and I couldn't sleep. Even Ambrogio had come during the vampires break for a meal. He met me on the balcony sensing I was feeling uneasy. All I did was stand there along with Tristan, who'd been with me this entire time.
Finally I turned around and them both. "I had another vision."
My Queen's Guard cocked a brow each and I rolled my eyes at them.
"What was the vision?" Ambrogio asked.
I small, dreamy smile came to my lips. "It was of my Queen's Council, in a large open room around a table. I walked into the middle of it all and stood at the stage in the middle of the table. The moment I stood there, I felt this...this feeling of..." I let out a deep breath and smiled. "there was this feeling of whole. Of completedness. That scene showed me of my future and for now it is certain. The choices I'm making are leading me to that path."
"Which could change at any given moment, depending on the choices you make." Hope butted in.
I pointed my finger towards her. "Exactly, but for now my choices are leading me to thus."
Tristan nodded happily. "So, what is the matter?"
"Nothing." I let out a deep breath. "Now I know whom will be on my Council. At least some of them, some faces I did not remember. But those I did remember, I know whom they are."
"Must we ask who they are" Ambrogio chuckled.
I gave a small smile. "Chamania, Ambrogio, Lancelot and Tristan. There are three Pangaeans on my council, I do not understand how?"
Tristan furrowed his brows. "Do you marry Lancelot?"
I snapped my head up. "That is not a possibility. I am with William. I have recently announced that he will become my King. Pangaea's King will be William."
"But that is not what your vision or guts tell you, now is it?" Tristan spoke softly.
I took a deep breath and shook my head. "No, no it's not."
Ambrogio looked to me. "So what will you do?"
I shrugged. "For now I will play this out. William is special to me and I want to keep him by my side for as long as I can." I shrugged a shoulder and crossed my arms. "There is another thing in my vision and I think I understand why I felt so...connected to both Conri and Robin. Also why they have mates now." I looked up and took a deep breath. "Though it broke my heart when I did not understand, I do now. Both, Conri and Robin are on my Queen's Council. I thought I was mates with them but I am not. They are part of my Queen's Council. It is why I am so connected to you Ambrogio and to Chamania and to Lancelot and... to you Tristan. To Estelle and George. To my Queen's Guard." I motioned to them in the back.
Ambrogio nodded. "That makes sense."
Tristan agreed. "It does solve allot of things. We just have to solve the painting now." He pulled it out from his lap and handed it to Ambrogio. "This painting had been a mystery since...our first year."
The Queen guard also inspected it.
"This will answer many questions." I whispered.
"We'll figure this out soon but for now, you need to rest." Ambrogio stated. "You are the Queen of Pangaea and you are not resting enough."
I let out a shaky breath. "My mother is coming to kill me, how can I rest?"

The next day I went to visit Aeslin once more before there would be a ceremony for Conri. Along with Ambrogio. It would be a banquet in their honour as we did Chamania. Tonight was another night of celebrations.
"Aeslin?" I whispered as I entered his room.
He finally sitting up in the bed as a Healer fed him his potions which, Gardenia had brewed up. Once he saw me he smiled just as he finished the last drop. The Healer immediately left, leaving us be.
"How are you?" I asked him. "You are looking more..alive."
"Better and you?" He chuckled.
I nodded. "Well."
He shook his head. "You are not sleeping, these bags under your eyes are looking bigger and bigger, cousin."
I gave him a small smile. "Yes, I know but I just cannot rest. As Queen now, I have so much more work to do. There's the Revolution coming up, figuring out why my mother wants to kill me, the painting, my Queen's Council and making relationships with all the royalty around the globe." I took a deep breath and smiled at him. "But enough about me. What happened to you? How on earth did you get here?"
He looked to his hands. "They found out I was still in contact with the outside world and by that I mean you. So, they wanted to kill me and my entire family."
I was shaking now.
"But, they couldn't find the portal. I had already broken it and thrown it away. But once that happened we were no longer trust, by anyone! My father also wanted out of the Revolution but no one would listen. No one would say or do anything on our behalf and we were only getting hell there now. So, we decided on a plan. It begun with me faking my death and coming to find you."
I furrowed my brows.
He looked me square in the eyes. The intensity in his eyes sent a shiver down my spine. But it was me guessing what those eyes had seen behind enemy lines. All the horrid things he would have gone through in the last three years. Three years since my cousin had left me and those eyes would've seen horrible things. He would've seen the enemy build his army for the upcoming Revolution.
"The next part of the plan is to tell you everything. Every last detail of their side of the Revolution."

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