Chapter 39: Pledging

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It was hard, to walk back to the Queen's Council Chambers but I had Tristan, who on more than one occasion asked if I needed to be carried back. But I refused, I did not need that embarrassment on my hands. So I struggled to get back but I did so with the support of my Council. They were the walls I could always lean on and needed to lean on. With the Revolution coming it was going to be more important than ever that we could lean on each other.
Finally in my quarters I was placed on the bed and I took a deep breathing eyeing my Council. If my future looked like this, looking like I was dying on my death bed with those important to me, I wouldn't fear death. No, I would never fear death because my loved ones were around me. A death that looked like this, I wouldn't be afraid of. Instead, I would welcome it with open arms.

The next night I sat in the great hall waiting for Ambrogio to return. My council sat on a large throne each, they looked as nervous as I was. This would be the first meeting we held officially with outsiders who were not part of the council. It was frightening, were all still so young and yet now we were governing a kingdom.
"Are you all well?" I asked them.
Robin chuckled. "We are about the face the oldest creatures that are living. Of course we are not well."
Aeslin looked pale, even paler than Ambrogio would and I thought he would go into a deep, dark sleep. It worried me and I had the right to be worried as he was my only family that I knew of. I needed him alive more than anyone. He caught me staring at him and he gave me a slight smile which I returned but not very confidently.
"We will get through this." Gardenia smiled confidently but I would that she was slightly worried as well. Her gorgeous wings were out but they didn't look as bright as they did when I asked her to be a part of my council. It showed that she was not as happy to be here, more worried as written all over her face. Poor girl, but she was a Princess and it showed as she masked her worry much better than say Aeslin.
Whilst the Soon to be Alpha's always masked their worry, since they were wolves, they tried not to display emotion as much. Ambrogio, my only vampire council member was not here to show everyone how it was meant to be done. The vampire was the master of it, as his face barely showed any emotion anyway. On the other hand Chamania was doing an amateur job of masking hers.
While, my good friend Tristan, was in his Dark Lord facade, not a single hint of worry at all. The man is a god at masking his features. Only, he didn't hide it well enough from me, I could pick out the worry for me. He was much more worried for me than for himself, that I could tell by the way his eyes would flicker towards me every few seconds to make sure I was okay and that I was alive.
I gave him a small smile trying to calm his nerves but I didn't think it worked.
There was several hard knocks on the door and they opened slowly. Entering was Ambrogio in the lead followed by three immortal looking beings. But we knew no one, could ever be immortal. There were two males and the female stood in the middle. She was blocked out mostly by Ambrogio but you saw bits of her.
The two males on either side were identical, they were twins. Not a single thread of difference, or a single hairs difference. It was ridiculous and it terrified me how identical they were, even in the manner they moved in. They were both moving at the exact same time and the same movements. I blinked several times to try and see some sort of separation but nothing.
"My Queen." Ambrogio bowed to me and I nodded in his direction.
As he stepped aside I took in the details of the gorgeous woman with honey coloured hair. She gave me a cold smile with her blood red lips and her dark dead eyes looked me over. But it was her small stature that got me. Such a small creature held a powerful position, especially amongst vampires,
"May I present, the vampire Council." He strolled over to his seat between Gardenia and a Chamania.
I stared at the vampire Council and gave them a small smile. "Welcome."
"We thank you, your grace." The males spoke simultaneously.
The woman smiled. "It may seem you have one of ours amongst yours now."
I looked to Ambrogio and smiled then back to the Council. "Yes, and I thank the gods every day for the blessing."
She nodded. "Yes. So do we, as it made up our minds as a council and a race. We are pledging our allegiance to you, my Queen." They dropped to the ground and bowed. Their heads were practically laying on the ground and they looked like they were kissing the grounds. "It would be an honour to fight for you in the Revolution."
I stepped down from the throne and helped the woman up to her feet. Instead of nodded and thanking her, I wrapped my arms around and hugged her tightly. At first she didn't move but she soon did and wrapped her arms around me. Her and I were the same height. For two rather short people, we held quite important positions in the kingdom.
Slowly I pulled back and smiled at my Council who were all grinning at us. "With the pledging of our brothers and sisters, we become even stronger in our enemies eyes. The vampires will aid us in our conquest of ridding this kingdom of the Revolution that plans to kill us. We will come out victorious with warriors that have the speed like no other creature, the ability to hide in the dark without detection and the strength only the wolves could battle." I grinned wickedly at the Wolves. "With elementals and wolves and vampires fighting side by side, we are already victorious."
They all clapped their hands happily. I took it all in for a moment. It was all happening so fast. My first official meeting with my council was almost over and it went smoothly. Without a hitch. I was so pleased with all of us.
"To represent the vampire council for us your grace, we are naming Ambrogio. One of the few, that has seen the world evolve and change as much as us. We do not leave the confines of our home very much. But we trust Ambrogio to do what is best for vampires and for the kingdom." She spoke.
I smiled graciously towards them and winked at Ambrogio. "You have chosen well. As I trust him with my life and that is saying something since the first time we met he attempted to drain me."
Ambrogio chuckled. "Oh how time has changed such frivolous things."
"Frivolous? It is the Queen's life we speak of." Tristan growled throughout the great hall.
The female vampire council member chuckled, which seemed like music to my ears. "It is, such a precious life we cannot joke about. But we speak the truth when we say we want to protect the royal lineage. This time, for forever more."
The two males nodded. "Our Queen."
I smiled at them. "There is another thing we ask you to protect, especially myself as it concerns my kingdom."
Ambrogio nodded and came to stand by me. "She speaks of the water elementals, council. As you know water elementals can also control blood of any living creature. The Queen's Council would like that secret protected."
They nodded profusely. "It was always something we hated. The control of another living being should not be used. Only the god's should be able to control another life." The female spoke.
I nodded. "Agreed. So it is agreed amongst us to keep it hidden in the dark and in the shadows."
The males nodded. "Another would will never be spoken of."

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