Chapter 22: He's Here

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"Good morning, your grace." Ambrogio bowed to me.
I rolled my eyes. "The sun has unfortunately set and the night children have come to play, I see."
He grinned and sat beside Tristan who glared at him. "Oh Tristan, it is far too early for me to be glared at by your dark eyes." He laughed at Tristan and again I rolled my eyes.
We were in the banquet hall, for dinner but celebrations would be tomorrow night. Tonight the Jousting would happen so the night children would be able to be part of the Tournament. It was unfair to keep them out just because they would fry in the sun. T'was not their fault.
"Come, tonight is a feast." Chamania grinned, sitting between William and Lancelot. "A feast to Knight Lancelot because we know he will win tomorrow's Joust."
We raised our wine glasses and took a sip. It was delicious. The night was young and beautiful. I was with the love of my life and my incredible friends. The crown was on my head and one day with my soul mate and my new council, we would make the Kingdom of Pangaea great again.
That night I danced in my heels, in a beautiful ball gown and with the man I loved. Leaving behind thoughts of a kingdom that was about to be taken over by a revolution. Every moment was needed before I would go into battle soon, so for now I wanted to live in the moment and for a moment pretend that my mother was not ready to kill me.
After a night of dancing my feet were sore and I decided to rest again at the table. Lance had joined me, he smiling in a direction and I tried to look to where he was smiling at. That's when I noticed golden locks that were coming towards us. Was Lance in love with Chamania?
"My love." William sat beside me and kissed my hand. Just as a servant came by and refilled our wine cups. "It's a beautiful night."
"It is." I smiled.
Tristan and Ambrogio joined our table. We toasted again and that's when I felt a familiar sensation. I looked down to my arms and they were lit up, I had to hide them as I felt my vision come up. More like a voice.

"Gwendolyn. I'm looking for Gwendolyn. Please, please help me."

I came back and snapped over to Tristan. "He's here."
"Who is?" Tristan asked.
I was grim as the voice sounded sick. "Aeslin."
"Your cousin?" He asked.
I nodded and looked to my Queen's Guard, then to the others. "If you will excuse me, I need a breath of fresh air."
"I'll come my love." William started to stand.
"No, no, my sweet. Enjoy tonight I just need to breath for a moment." I kissed his forehead and disappeared to the second level of the ballroom and out to the balcony. "I had a vision."
"We noticed." Ceslav stated. "What did you see?"
"Nothing." I squeaked out. "All I heard was my cousins voice, looking for me. He's looking for me."
Armani nodded. "Your vision didn't completely come it may be because of the alcohol you drank."
I shook my head. "That's defiantly not it. I've barely drunk a drop. All night I've just been dancing."
Hope's eyes widened. "Mayhap it be due to the premonition? You're body had adjusted to the premonition and then it received a vision. You are completely new to this all."
I lent on the balcony. "It no longer matters. All I would like to do is make myself have a vision. I have never done so before but I need to do it so I can find him."
Hope and Armani looked to each, they have each other a slight nod. It was Armani's turn to speak. "Your grace, it takes years and years of training to bring a vision."
I sighed. "Can I do it in a couple of days? I just need to see where Adeline is!"
Hope school head. "No your Grace."
I grunted and turned to face the view from the balcony. "Aeslin, my cousin. My dear, dear cousin, please show me where you are."
There was that familiar sensation, I looked down to my arms and they were lighting up once again.

It was the front of the school. Aeslin was stumbling towards the school doors. The double doors were difficult to open but he got them wide open and fell to the ground.
I looked around for a sign on when this would happen. That's when I recognised the flags that were up for the Tournament. So it was this week, the moon was up, a full moon.

I came back and looked up to the moon. A full moon. He was coming in tonight. "Aeslin is here." I whispered.
My Queen's Guard were already on the move as I was. We hurried down the stairs and pushed people out of the way. Weaving through and causing people to stare at us. But it didn't matter, my cousin was here. I hurried along to the double doors, with everyone's eyes now on me, staring at me.
"Gwen, where are you going?!" Chamania was by my side in an instant.
I looked over to her, my eyes wide and probably looking insane. "Aeslin is coming."
She gasped and froze for a second but I didn't have a moment to wait for her. I continued on around the hallways until I finally made it to the foyer.
This time I gasped. "Aeslin?"
His head slightly moved and for the first time in so long, my cousin laid his eyes on me. "Gw-gwe-"
I hurried down to be by his side, cradling his head in my lap and I smiled down at him. It had been so long since I felt him in my own arms. He was here, and he was breathing.
Aeslin smiled at me. "I'm so sorry."

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