Chapter 42: Hear It And Believe It

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"This is insanity. I've never heard of wolves becoming weak." Tristan whispered as he paced my Chambers.
"Well it was a wolf secret, Lord Stupid." I gave him a small smile in my vanity mirror.
He shook his head. "But is it not something everyone should know. At least the Elite Circle of Royals, that way we could have better protected them all these years."
"And what if you could have used that against them to kill them?" I spoke softly.
Tristan sighed and shook his head in the air as he turned to face the windows. Out into the dark, but there was a full moon. It shone beautifully through my windows. Slowly he closed the windows and turned back to me. He looked frustrated as he overthought this situation, just as he did everything else. One of the traits I had seen grow on him, since I became Queen this year, he took matters further than anyone. But he was only helping me in my reign as I gained my feet. I didn't know what I could possibly do without him. He truly had been my wall, my rock and my guardian angel this year. If anything ever happened to him, I did not think I would be able to go on. He was my guiding hand.
I brushed out my braid and chuckled. "You need to calm yourself my friend."
"Calm myself? Our biggest ally and also our first ally, will become weak for a full day because of something called a blood moon." He threw his hands in the air. "The day the Revolution will attack Gwen."
I continued to brush out my hair, a small smile on my face. It was soothing, brushing my own hair again. It was always the chambermaids who brushed my hair now and I hadn't had the peace and tranquility of doing it myself in so longer. I wanted to hum at this moment, but I hadn't done so in so long and I knew Tristan was in here speaking to me.
"How are you so calm about this?" He asked, stopping for a moment and staring at me in the mirror.
"Gardenia gave me a mixture for my hand. It's making me extremely calm and sedated at this moment. So apologies for my calm nature, otherwise I would be panicking with you." I closed my eyes for a moment and smiled as I continued to brush my hair. When I opened my eyes, he was still staring me in the mirror a smile on his face. He looked happy, for a moment in time he looked truly happy. That was a smile I hadn't seen on Tristan, the Dark Lord, ever. "What is it?" I asked softly.
He shook his head. "Nothing." He was lying. But Tristan de Montfort never lied to me, so why was he lying to me? I could see the small, ever small, tweak in his eyebrows. No one ever caught it when he lied, but I had.
I smiled at him, forgetting the fact that he lied to me. Now was not the time to question it, besides we had more pressing matters. Not that it really mattered to me now, this mixture was working wonders! I should have it all the time. "We'll figure something out in the morning. I promise. We still have a fortnight before the blood moon."
His eyes looked horrified and broken. "And what if we are not prepared Gwen? What if the Revolution starts on the blood moon and we are not prepared? We could all be dead within the fortnight and Pangaea destroyed."
I spun around and faced him, all the mixture seemed to be dormant for a moment. All my anger towards him seemed to take over my body. It was strange and yet, it was this overpowering emotion. He always did this to me, we would say something and anger each other and yet we relied on each other so much. A little too much sometimes. "You do not think I don't know that. Of course I know that. I know how much trouble is leering in my future. In my Kingdoms future. I know that lives will be lost and more so lives will be ruined. But that is the price we pay for freedom."
"I thought you were on the mixture." He spoke softly.
I shook my head, and gripped my eyes shut and held onto the vanity table. "I - I don't know." All traces of my anger gone but the mixture didn't feel like it was working anymore. If anything, I felt ill now and the feeling was only getting worse. The room was spinning and I was about to be sick, I could feel it coming up.
"Gwen?" He whispered and rushed to my side. Slowly he slipped his hands under my arms and I felt the heat radiate of him, just lightly, keeping me warm. "Are you okay?"
I shook my head. "Grab Gardenia, please."
He laid me on my bed and flung open the door. "Gardenia!" He shouted her name, over and over again from the doors.
I had my eyes closed on my bed. My head was spinning and I felt my supper coming back up my throat. It was going to go everywhere and I didn't want anyone seeing me a complete mess. But it was going to happen. It was going to happen. Oh my stars. I sat up and puked everything, all over my bed.
"Gwen!" Tristan screamed. He jumped onto the bed and wrapped his arms around me, carefully avoiding the puke. "Gardenia, what in Pangaea happened?"
She shook her head and pressed her hand to my forehead. The others quickly trickled into the room and Chamania came to sit on the other side of me. I sat there gasping for air and sweat beading down my head. Gardenia looked as confused as I felt sick.
"W-what happened?" She asked as she looked through her bag.
"I - I don't know. We were only talking and then she felt ill." Tristan explained.
Gardenia froze. "Tristan you shouldn't of been in her chambers. Gwendolyn needed to be in a calm environment and everyone know's you two bicker like an old married couple." She sighed and shook her head. "I'm giving her the mixture again and this time you need to stay away from her till morning."
"No! Not after this. She's not staying in this bed either. It's filthy." He growled.
"Fine, where is she to sleep?" Gardena placed her hands on her hips.
Everyone else in the room looked to each other. They had been quiet this entire time. All they did was stand with each other and observe the situation.
Aeslin nodded. "She can take my bed."
"Not a chance in the Alpha constellation Aeslin. You are still healing, yourself." Conri stated and looked to him. "She can stay in my room and I'll bunk with Robin."
Tristan shook his head and his eyes we're only for me. "No she'll rest in my room tonight and I'll be in the common room. I did this to her." No one argued with him and I grabbed his arm tightly, he didn't acknowledge it. "Gardenia give her the medication please."
She nodded. "Very well. But once she is laid to rest in your room, you need to leave and not argue with her. Is that understood?"
Tristan nodded.
Gardenia slipped the mixture into my mouth and the droplets made its way into my body. The world was once again not spinning, but I felt myself getting drowsy. It was a strange feeling. The mixture must be mixing in with my empty stomach and the last little bits of the last dose I had.
I felt Tristan slip his arms under my body and carry me to his chambers. He tucked me in under the sheets and move my hair away from my face. For a moment, all he did was look at me. He gave me a small smile before I closed my eyes and let out a deep breath.
It was like I was in a trance as I dripped off into a deep sleep. The world wasn't around me anymore. But I did hear words, words I didn't know if it was my mind playing tricks on me under this dose of mixture of if it happened. Most of all, I didn't know if I wanted to hear it and believe it or if he wanted me to hear it.
"I can't loose you Gwen. I - I think I'm falling in love with you. I - I - I wish you weren't so unobservant, it's frustrating. C - c - can't you see that I'm in love with you?" He chuckled and I imagined him shaking his head. "Y-yes, I'm completely and irrecoverably in love with you Gwendolyn Cashile. Long before you were Queen. Long before you were a Noble. When you were a servant, I still remember the day, the moment I laid my eyes on you. It was the greatest moment of my life, you can't even imagine. Where has that Gwendolyn gone? But I love you, even now. Gods, stop being unobservant, please."

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